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The Russell Group appoints Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell as its next Chair

Professor Rothwell, President and Vice-Chancellor of Swag直播, will take over on 1 September 2020 from the current Chair, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow. Professor Rothwell will be the first woman to take on the role.

The Russell Group represents 24 leading UK universities, based across every region and nation of the country. The Russell Group believes world-class research and education are key to meeting global challenges and helping to create a dynamic economy, stronger communities and a better future for the UK.

Currently, Russell Group universities are playing an important role in the fight against Covid-19, carrying out potentially life-saving research into the virus, as well as giving practical support to NHS staff and local communities. Our universities are also looking ahead to help the Government revitalise and renew the economy as the country takes its first tentative steps out of lockdown.

University of Swag直播 President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, said:

“It is a great honour and privilege to be named the next Chair of this prestigious group of historic institutions.

“At present, we find ourselves in unprecedented times. Not just in the higher education sector, but across all of society and that is why it has never been more important for our universities to work collaboratively. Together we can, and must, play a key role in helping the UK and wider international community respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, subsequent recovery, and other global challenges.

“With that in mind, I look forward to working with this group of world-class universities and all other relevant organisations to ensure that UK universities remain global leaders in research, education and their many wider contributions to society.

“I must also recognise the excellent work done by the current Chair, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli who has done an exceptional task in what have been incredibly challenging times for the sector."


President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell
At present, we find ourselves in unprecedented times. Not just in the higher education sector, but across all of society and that is why it has never been more important for our universities to work collaboratively. Together we can, and must, play a key role in helping the UK and wider international community respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, subsequent recovery, and other global challenges.
President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell

Dr Tim Bradshaw, Chief Executive of the Russell Group, said:

“I am delighted to welcome Nancy as our in-coming Chair at what is such a critical time for our universities and for the UK economy and society as a whole.

“In these challenging times the value of the research and innovation nurtured at Russell Group universities is even more important. Not just in the fightback against Covid19, where our members are helping to map the virus and its effects, trial new treatments and help our fantastic NHS, but in the UK’s recovery from the current crisis.

“The ideas, skills and talent that flow out of our universities will be at the heart of that recovery and I look forward to working with Prof Rothwell to champion our universities and the transformative impact of higher education overall.

“I and all our Vice-Chancellors would also like to thank Sir Anton for his work and leading our organisation through a time of significant change and all the challenges that come with it.”

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, outgoing Chair of the Russell Group, said:

“It’s been a privilege representing the Russell Group as its Chair and I hope that Nancy will enjoy it as much as I have. The last few years have been a time of significant change and the UK now faces new and even more unprecedented challenges.

“However the value and contribution of the university sector to society has remained constant and that work will be even more important as our country recovers from the Covid19 crisis.

“I know Nancy will be a great champion for the sector and I look forward to working with her in that new role when she takes over from me in the autumn”


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