<![CDATA[Newsroom University of Swagֱ]]> /about/news/ en Tue, 22 Oct 2024 13:22:25 +0200 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 15:51:32 +0200 <![CDATA[Newsroom University of Swagֱ]]> https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg /about/news/ 144 Researchers unveil energy storage mechanism in the thinnest possible lithium-ion battery /about/news/researchers-unveil-energy-storage-mechanism-in-the-thinnest-possible-lithium-ion-battery/ /about/news/researchers-unveil-energy-storage-mechanism-in-the-thinnest-possible-lithium-ion-battery/657011A team of scientists from the University of Swagֱ has achieved a significant breakthrough in understanding lithium-ion storage within the thinnest possible battery anode - composed of just two layers of carbon atoms. Their research, published in , shows an unexpected ‘in-plane staging’ process during lithium intercalation in bilayer graphene, which could pave the way for advancements in energy storage technologies.

A team of scientists from the University of Swagֱ has achieved a significant breakthrough in understanding lithium-ion storage within the thinnest possible battery anode - composed of just two layers of carbon atoms. Their research, published in , shows an unexpected ‘in-plane staging’ process during lithium intercalation in bilayer graphene, which could pave the way for advancements in energy storage technologies.

Lithium-ion batteries, which power everything from smartphones and laptops to electric vehicles, store energy through a process known as ion intercalation. This involves lithium ions slipping between layers of graphite - a material traditionally used in battery anodes, when a battery is charged. The more lithium ions that can be inserted and later extracted, the more energy the battery can store and release. While this process is well-known, the microscopic details have remained unclear. The Swagֱ team’s discovery sheds new light on these details by focusing on bilayer graphene, the smallest possible battery anode material, consisting of just two atomic layers of carbon.

In their experiments, the researchers replaced the typical graphite anode with bilayer graphene and observed the behaviour of lithium ions during the intercalation process. Surprisingly, they found that lithium ions do not intercalate between the two layers all at once or in a random fashion. Instead, the process unfolds in four distinct stages, with lithium ions arranging themselves in an orderly manner at each stage. Each stage involves the formation of increasingly dense hexagonal lattices of lithium ions.

, who led the research team, commented, "the discovery of 'in-plane staging' was completely unexpected. It revealed a much greater level of cooperation between the lattice of lithium ions and the crystal lattice of graphene than previously thought. This understanding of the intercalation process at the atomic level opens up new avenues for optimising lithium-ion batteries and possibly exploring new materials for enhanced energy storage."

The study also revealed that bilayer graphene, while offering new insights, has a lower lithium storage capacity compared to traditional graphite. This is due to a less effective screening of interactions between positively charged lithium ions, leading to stronger repulsion and causing the ions to remain further apart. While this suggests that bilayer graphene may not offer higher storage capacity than bulk graphite, the discovery of its unique intercalation process is a key step forward. It also hints at the potential use of atomically thin metals to enhance the screening effect and possibly improve storage capacity in the future.

This pioneering research not only deepens our understanding of lithium-ion intercalation but also lays the groundwork for the development of more efficient and sustainable energy storage solutions. As the demand for better batteries continues to grow, the findings in this research could play a key role in shaping the next generation of energy storage technologies.


The (NGI) is a world-leading graphene and 2D material centre, focussed on fundamental research. Based at Swagֱ, where graphene was first isolated in 2004 by Professors Sir Andre Geim and Sir Kostya Novoselov, it is home to leaders in their field – a community of research specialists delivering transformative discovery. This expertise is matched by £13m leading-edge facilities, such as the largest class 5 and 6 cleanrooms in global academia, which gives the NGI the capabilities to advance underpinning industrial applications in key areas including: composites, functional membranes, energy, membranes for green hydrogen, ultra-high vacuum 2D materials, nanomedicine, 2D based printed electronics, and characterisation.

Fri, 06 Sep 2024 13:14:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_ngi-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ngi-2.jpg?10000
Electric fields catalyse graphene’s energy and computing prospects /about/news/electric-fields-catalyse-graphenes-energy-and-computing-prospects/ /about/news/electric-fields-catalyse-graphenes-energy-and-computing-prospects/637052Researchers at the have made a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionise energy harnessing and information computing. Their study, published in , reveals how electric field effects can selectively accelerate coupled electrochemical processes in graphene.

Researchers at the have made a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionise energy harnessing and information computing. Their study, published in , reveals how electric field effects can selectively accelerate coupled electrochemical processes in graphene.

Electrochemical processes are essential in renewable energy technologies like batteries, fuel cells, and electrolysers. However, their efficiency is often hindered by slow reactions and unwanted side effects. Traditional approaches have focused on new materials, yet significant challenges remain.

The Swagֱ team, led by , has taken a novel approach. They have successfully decoupled the inseparable link between charge and electric field within graphene electrodes, enabling unprecedented control over electrochemical processes in this material. The breakthrough challenges previous assumptions and opens new avenues for energy technologies.

Dr Marcelo Lozada-Hidalgo sees this discovery as transformative, “We’ve managed to open up a previously inaccessible parameter space. A way to visualise this is to imagine a field in the countryside with hills and valleys. Classically, for a given system and a given catalyst, an electrochemical process would run through a set path through this field. If the path goes through a high hill or a deep valley – bad luck. Our work shows that, at least for the processes we investigated here, we have access to the whole field. If there is a hill or valley we do not want to go to, we can avoid it.”

The study focuses on proton-related processes fundamental for hydrogen catalysts and electronic devices. Specifically, the team examined two proton processes in graphene:

Proton Transmission: This process is important for developing new hydrogen catalysts and fuel cell membranes.

Proton Adsorption (Hydrogenation): Important for electronic devices like transistors, this process switches graphene’s conductivity on and off.

Traditionally, these processes were coupled in graphene devices, making it challenging to control one without impacting the other. The researchers managed to decouple these processes, finding that electric field effects could significantly accelerate proton transmission while independently driving hydrogenation. This selective acceleration was unexpected and presents a new method to drive electrochemical processes.

Highlighting the broader implication in energy applications, Dr Jincheng Tong, first author of the paper, said “We demonstrate that electric field effects can disentangle and accelerate electrochemical processes in 2D crystals. This could be combined with state-of-the-art catalysts to efficiently drive complex processes like CO2 reduction, which remain enormous societal challenges.”

Dr Yangming Fu, co-first author, pointed to potential applications in computing: “Control of these process gives our graphene devices dual functionality as both memory and logic gate. This paves the way for new computing networks that operate with protons.  This could enable compact, low-energy analogue computing devices.”

Since publication, a review of the paper was included in Nature’s News & Views section, which summarises high-impact research and provides a forum where scientific news is shared with a wide audience spanning a range of disciplines: .


The National Graphene Institute (NGI) is a world-leading graphene and 2D material centre, focussed on fundamental research. Based at Swagֱ, where graphene was first isolated in 2004 by Professors Sir Andre Geim and Sir Kostya Novoselov, it is home to leaders in their field – a community of research specialists delivering transformative discovery. This expertise is matched by £13m leading-edge facilities, such as the largest class 5 and 6 cleanrooms in global academia, which gives the NGI the capabilities to advance underpinning industrial applications in key areas including: composites, functional membranes, energy, membranes for green hydrogen, ultra-high vacuum 2D materials, nanomedicine, 2D based printed electronics, and characterisation.

Wed, 19 Jun 2024 16:05:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/8fcb7913-5492-48f1-aecd-21201e89d2bd/500_guoyanwangandyanliangfromuniversityofscienceandtechnologyofchina.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/8fcb7913-5492-48f1-aecd-21201e89d2bd/guoyanwangandyanliangfromuniversityofscienceandtechnologyofchina.png?10000
Swagֱ Scientists Find Novel One-Dimensional Superconductor /about/news/manchester-scientists-find-novel-one-dimensional-superconductor/ /about/news/manchester-scientists-find-novel-one-dimensional-superconductor/629722Researchers at Swagֱ have successfully achieved robust superconductivity in high magnetic fields using a newly created one-dimensional (1D) system.

In a significant development in the field of superconductivity, researchers at have successfully achieved robust superconductivity in high magnetic fields using a newly created one-dimensional (1D) system. This breakthrough offers a promising pathway to achieving superconductivity in the quantum Hall regime, a longstanding challenge in condensed matter physics.

Superconductivity, the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with zero resistance, holds profound potential for advancements of quantum technologies. However, achieving superconductivity in the quantum Hall regime, characterised by quantised electrical conductance, has proven to be a mighty challenge.

The research, published this week (24 April 2024) in , details extensive work of the Swagֱ team led by Professor Andre Geim, Dr Julien Barrier and Dr Na Xin to achieve superconductivity in the quantum Hall regime. Their initial efforts followed the conventional route where counterpropagating edge states were brought into close proximity of each other. However, this approach proved to be limited.

"Our initial experiments were primarily motivated by the strong persistent interest in proximity superconductivity induced along quantum Hall edge states," explains Dr Barrier, the paper's lead author. "This possibility has led to numerous theoretical predictions regarding the emergence of new particles known as non-abelian anyons."

The team then explored a new strategy inspired by their earlier work demonstrating that boundaries between domains in graphene could be highly conductive. By placing such domain walls between two superconductors, they achieved the desired ultimate proximity between counterpropagating edge states while minimising effects of disorder.

"We were encouraged to observe large supercurrents at relatively ‘balmy’ temperatures up to one Kelvin in every device we fabricated," Dr Barrier recalls.

Further investigation revealed that the proximity superconductivity originated not from the quantum Hall edge states propagating along domain walls, but rather from strictly 1D electronic states existing within the domain walls themselves. These 1D states, proven to exist by the theory group of Professor Vladimir Falko’s at the National Graphene Institute, exhibited a greater ability to hybridise with superconductivity as compared to quantum Hall edge states. The inherent one-dimensional nature of the interior states is believed to be responsible for the observed robust supercurrents at high magnetic fields.

This discovery of single-mode 1D superconductivity shows exciting avenues for further research. “In our devices, electrons propagate in two opposite directions within the same nanoscale space and without scattering", Dr Barrier elaborates. "Such 1D systems are exceptionally rare and hold promise for addressing a wide range of problems in fundamental physics."

The team has already demonstrated the ability to manipulate these electronic states using gate voltage and observe standing electron waves that modulated the superconducting properties.

is fascinating to think what this novel system can bring us in the future. The 1D superconductivity presents an alternative path towards realising topological quasiparticles combining the quantum Hall effect and superconductivity,” concludes Dr Xin. "This is just one example of the vast potential our findings holds."

20 years after the advent of the first 2D material graphene, this research by Swagֱ represents another step forward in the field of superconductivity. The development of this novel 1D superconductor is expected to open doors for advancements in quantum technologies and pave the way for further exploration of new physics, attracting interest from various scientific communities.


The is a world-leading graphene and 2D material centre, focussed on fundamental research. Based at Swagֱ, by Professors Sir Andre Geim and Sir Kostya Novoselov, it is home to leaders in their field – a community of research specialists delivering transformative discovery. This expertise is matched by £13m leading-edge facilities, such as the largest class 5 and 6 in global academia, which gives the NGI the capabilities to advance underpinning industrial applications in key areas including: composites, functional membranes, energy, membranes for green hydrogen, ultra-high vacuum 2D materials, nanomedicine, 2D based printed electronics, and characterisation.

Thu, 25 Apr 2024 09:30:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_graphenemembranes1.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/graphenemembranes1.jpg?10000
World-first analytical Transmission Electron Microscope being developed by Swagֱ materials scientists /about/news/world-first-analytical-transmission-electron-microscope-being-developed-by-manchester-materials-scientists/ /about/news/world-first-analytical-transmission-electron-microscope-being-developed-by-manchester-materials-scientists/629619Swagֱ scientists are developing a world-first Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) that integrates cutting-edge imaging and spectroscopy with artificial intelligence and automated workflows (AutomaTEM).

Swagֱ scientists are developing a world-first Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) that integrates cutting-edge imaging and spectroscopy with artificial intelligence and automated workflows (AutomaTEM).

While existing TEMs can image atomic scale structure and chemistry, the time-consuming nature of the technique means the typical regions of interest (ROI) - areas of the sample selected for further analysis - are very limited. The AutomaTEM will resolve this, improving the ability to find and analyse, reducing time incurred while increasing the ROI. As a result, it will accelerate innovation in materials applications for quantum computing, low power electronics, and new catalysts to support the energy transition, all which are currently held back by the limitations of current technology.

The AutomaTEM development is funded through a £9.5 million project supported by Swagֱ, The Henry Royce Institute, bp and EPSRC, in collaboration with manufacturer Thermo Fisher Scientific. The Swagֱ team, led by Professor Sarah Haigh, will merge TEM’s existing atomic scale elemental and chemical mapping capabilities together with emerging developments in automation and data analysis to create the AutomaTEM; an instrument that can acquire huge data sets of local chemical information in days rather than years.

Prof , Professor of Materials Characterisation at Swagֱ and Director of the Electron Microscopy Centre (EMC), said: "Understanding atomic detail at the micrometer or millimeter scale is crucial for developing materials for various applications, from catalysis and quantum technologies to nuclear energy and pharmaceuticals.

"This system is not simply another TEM instrument. It will provide new opportunities for atomic scale investigation of materials with less human intervention. For the first time we will be able to enable atomic resolution analysis of hundreds of regions of interest in a matter of hours, providing unprecedented insights into sparse defects and heterogeneous materials." 

Designed with artificial intelligence and automated workflows at its core, the AutomaTEM boasts several cutting-edge features, including:

  • Computer control to automatically adjust the sample stage and beam to address specific regions of interest, enabling detailed high-resolution imaging and diffraction-based analysis without continuous operator interaction.
  • Machine learning integration to segment lower resolution data and build functional relationships between experimental results, enhancing the identification of novel features. 
  • A world-leading Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) system with exceptional collection efficiency, providing precise compositional analysis.
  • A new high-performance electron energy loss spectrometer (EELS) design for chemical analysis of diverse species in complex systems.

Custom built, it is being developed in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific and will arrive in summer 2025. The global laboratory equipment manufacturer has provided Professor Haigh’s team access to the necessary API control, and will supply an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) system with a world-leading collection efficiency of 4.5 srad.

The AutomaTEM will be housed in Swagֱ's state-of-the-art (EMC), one of the largest in the UK. The EMC already has 6 transmission electron microscopes (TEMs), 13 scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), and 6 focussed ion beam (FIB) instruments. It supports more than 500 internal users, from 12 different University of Swagֱ Departments, and welcomes users from institutes across the world, including Cardiff, Durham, Queen Mary and Swagֱ Metropolitan universities, University of Cape Town (SA), Ceres Power, Nexperia, Nanoco, bp, Johnson Matthey, Oxford Instruments, and UKAEA.

AutomaTEM will be available to external users for free proof of principle academic projects for up to 30 per cent of its total use during the first three years to help foster collaboration and advance research capabilities.

, Royal Society University Research Fellow at Swagֱ, who is leading co-investigator on the project, said: "The faster, more accurate analysis capabilities of AutomaTEM represent a significant leap forward in materials science research.

“With the potential to impact various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and semiconductor, the AutomaTEM aims to support the UK’s position at the forefront of materials science innovation.”

Today’s announcement consolidates The University of ѲԳٱ’s reputation at the forefront of advanced materials research. Home to highest concentration of materials scientists in UK academia, it hosts several national centres for Advanced Materials research including the Henry Royce Institute - the UK national institute for Advanced Materials Research; the bp-ICAM, a global partnership to enable the effective application of advanced materials for the transition to net zero; the National Centre for X-ray Computational Tomography; and the National Graphene Institute, the world-leading interdisciplinary centre for graphene and 2D materials research.

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 09:22:31 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/d57a1ed2-2ddc-4620-899a-00dad69853f0/500_sarahhaighprofessorofmaterialscharacterisationattheuniversityofmanchesteranddirectoroftheelectronmicroscopycentreemcphotographedintheemc..jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/d57a1ed2-2ddc-4620-899a-00dad69853f0/sarahhaighprofessorofmaterialscharacterisationattheuniversityofmanchesteranddirectoroftheelectronmicroscopycentreemcphotographedintheemc..jpg?10000
Cancer Research UK Swagֱ Centre to receive £8.5m boost for clinician scientist training /about/news/cancer-research-uk-manchester-centre-to-receive-85m-boost-for-clinician-scientist-training/ /about/news/cancer-research-uk-manchester-centre-to-receive-85m-boost-for-clinician-scientist-training/626580Cancer Research UK has announced today that universities across Scotland and England including the Cancer Research UK Swagֱ Centre are set to receive a multimillion-pound cash injection to train more doctors as clinician scientists, so they can undertake cancer research. Cancer Research UK are investing a total of £58m, with Swagֱ set to receive £8.5m.

Cancer Research UK has announced today that universities across Scotland and England including the Cancer Research UK Swagֱ Centre are set to receive a multimillion-pound cash injection to train more doctors as clinician scientists, so they can undertake cancer research. Cancer Research UK are investing a total of £58m, with Swagֱ set to receive £8.5m.

The Clinical Academic Training Programme will invest £58.7m at nine research centres including the Cancer Research UK Swagֱ Centre in partnership with the Christie NHS Foundation and Swagֱ and The University of Leeds.  

Clinician scientists play an essential role in translating cancer research, helping to bridge the gap between scientific research carried out in laboratories and clinical research involving patients. Working across both research settings, their contributions to new knowledge and its translation to clinical practice are critical for cancer research.

Cancer Research UK’s Clinical Academic Training Programme Award will continue to transform clinical research training at nine of its research centres over the next five years. It builds on the 5-year £50.7 million investment awarded by the charity in 2019. In total, the Cancer Research UK will have invested more than £109 million in this programme over ten years, signalling the critical role the charity plays in supporting the UK’s life sciences ecosystem.

Michelle Mitchell, Cancer Research UK’s Chief Executive, said:  “Clinician scientists have a very important role to play by bringing their knowledge and experience of treating people with cancer to scientific research.

“We need all our doctors and scientists to be able to reach their full potential, no matter their background. That’s why we are continuing to provide flexible training options for early-career clinician scientists. After the success of the first five years of this programme, we want to encourage even more clinicians to get involved in cancer research to help us get closer to a world where everybody lives longer, better lives free from the fear of cancer.”

Becoming a clinician scientist usually involves doctors taking time out of their medical training to undertake a PhD, before returning to train in their chosen specialisation, but many clinicians don’t come back to research after qualifying as consultants.

To address this problem, Cancer Research UK awarded funding to provide flexible training options alongside mentorship and networking opportunities to better support clinicians who want to get involved and stay in cancer research, through building stronger clinician scientist networks within and across research institutes.

In particular, the funding allows universities to offer combined Bachelor of Medicine-Doctor of Philosophy (MB-PhD) qualifications to early career clinicians – which allows medical students to complete a PhD earlier in their medical training.

Data from the Medical Schools Council Clinical Academic Survey reports a decline in the number of clinical academic positions between 2011–2020. US data also suggests that offering combined qualifications retains more women in clinical research roles.

Welcoming Cancer Research UK’s renewing of clinical training funding in Scotland, the Director of the Cancer Research UK Scotland Centre, Professor Charlie Gourley, said:  “We are delighted to gain further Cancer Research UK funding and to work with colleagues across Scotland to offer doctors new and flexible training opportunities so that they can become the clinical cancer researcher leaders of the future.

is vital for our laboratory scientists to be able to work with clinicians at all levels and specialities to find new and better treatments for cancer. This will undoubtedly lead to benefits for cancer patients in the longer term.”

The Cancer Research UK Swagֱ Centre is one of eight centres in England receiving further CATP funding The Director of the Cancer Research UK Swagֱ Centre and Professor of Cancer Studies at Swagֱ, said: “Renewing funding for this programme of training and support for clinician scientists is another step forward.  The increased flexibility offered, and additional funding and support after doing a PhD will allow more time for doctors to do research, no matter their background and personal circumstances.

“This continued investment by Cancer Research UK will deliver a highly enthusiastic, educated, and diverse workforce in the UK who will help bring new cancer treatments and diagnostic tests to those who need it most.”

Medical student, transferred to a CRUK-funded MB-PhD course in 2020. Under the supervision of , her PhD focussed on using a new way of measuring obesity-related factors in individuals, called “overweight years”, similar to how “pack-years” is used to measure an individual smoker’s tobacco use.

She completed her PhD studies in 2023 and should complete her medical degree next year, with her gained research experience informing her studies and medical practice.

Reflecting on her MB-PhD studies, Dr Nadin Hawwash said: “The MB-PhD pathway to become a clinical scientist stood out for me, because it helps medical graduates to stay in research following undergraduate training.

“The course allowed me to: undertake data science-focused cancer research; create international collaborations; assemble and analyse a consortium with over 1.4 million individuals from 10 countries; and present my research globally.

“I am thrilled that more aspiring researchers will be able to train as clinician scientists in Swagֱ and elsewhere, to contribute to cutting-edge cancer research projects that will ultimately benefit patients.”

Fri, 05 Apr 2024 09:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/c9bf7b6c-0aa7-4c07-8e18-ea2e267314a2/500_scientist-hand-blue-gloves-holding-450w-1733834042.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/c9bf7b6c-0aa7-4c07-8e18-ea2e267314a2/scientist-hand-blue-gloves-holding-450w-1733834042.jpg?10000
Swagֱ team to be presented with prestigious international award for cancer research /about/news/manchester-team-to-be-presented-with-prestigious-international-award-for-cancer-research/ /about/news/manchester-team-to-be-presented-with-prestigious-international-award-for-cancer-research/625655Researchers based at Swagֱ University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) and Swagֱ, supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Swagֱ Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), have been awarded an American Association for Cancer Research Award (AACR).

Researchers based at Swagֱ University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) and Swagֱ, supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Swagֱ Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), have been awarded an American Association for Cancer Research Award (AACR).

The ‘Team Womb’ collective, headed by Professor Emma Crosbie, Honorary Consultant in Gynaecological Oncology at MFT have been given the prestigious Team Science Award for their pioneering work on Lynch-syndrome associated endometrial cancer.

The team from Saint Mary’s Hospital (pictured below), part of MFT, will receive this award at the on Sunday 7 April in San Diego, California. The 10 researchers are from MFT, Swagֱ, Swagֱ Cancer Research Centre, and NIHR Swagֱ BRC.

, who is Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Co-Theme Lead at NIHR Swagֱ BRC and Professor of Gynaecological Oncology at Swagֱ said: “I am thrilled that our research means that everyone diagnosed with endometrial cancer in the UK is now offered testing for Lynch syndrome. The recognition of this work through the prestigious 2024 AACR Team Science Award is a tremendous honour and I would like to thank everyone who supported us along the way. This was a true multidisciplinary effort involving clinicians, allied healthcare professionals, researchers, patients and charities without whom none of this would have been possible.”

ѲԳٱ’s ‘Team Womb’ led a research programme that identified a link between womb cancer and Lynch syndrome, changing clinical practice across the UK.

Lynch syndrome is a genetic condition that can significantly increase the risk of developing cancer. It affects around 1 in 300 people, with most unaware that they have it. This condition runs in families and means anyone with the faulty gene carries a high risk of developing womb, bowel and other cancers.

Through unselected and comprehensive testing all womb cancer patients attending MFT between 2016-18, the team showed that 3% had Lynch syndrome and defined the best strategy for identifying them.

Following this study, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) commissioned an expert advisory group to assess the evidence, and resulted in a change in guidance which recommends universal testing of all endometrial cancer patients for Lynch syndrome. This guideline means around 1,000 new people per year in the UK alone can benefit from cancer prevention strategies.

The AACR founded the prestigious Team Science award in 2006 to recognise the growing importance of interdisciplinary teams in understanding cancer and for translating research through to clinical care.

Annually, this award recognises ‘outstanding interdisciplinary research’ teams for their ‘innovative and meritorious science’ that has ‘advanced or may advance our fundamental knowledge of cancer, or has applied existing knowledge to advancing the detection, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of cancer’.

2024-25 AACR President, Dr Patricia M. LoRusso said; “I believe that this team exemplify true team science, bring together an interdisciplinary team of academics, clinicians and healthcare staff from across medicine, oncology, pathology, health economics and behavioural science. Within this nomination I highlight their exceptional and practice changing work within detection, alongside several outstanding current and future projects they have in their portfolio.”

Picture captions:

Photo 1 – Team Womb (from left to right): Prof Ray McMahon, Ms Nadira Narine, Prof Katherine Payne, Dr Louise Gorman, Prof Emma Crosbie, Dr Neil Ryan, Dr Rhona McVey, Dr James Bolton. Also Prof Gareth Evans and Dr Durgesh Rana (not in photo)

Photo 2 – Team Womb (from left to right): Dr Rhona McVey, Dr James Bolton, Dr Louise Gorman, Ms Nadira Narine, Prof Emma Crosbie, Prof Katherine Payne, Dr Neil Ryan, Prof Ray McMahon. Also Prof Gareth Evans and Dr Durgesh Rana (not in photo)

Mon, 25 Mar 2024 18:00:28 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/028570df-7669-4bd8-bb06-0adca47b8cb5/500_emmaaward.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/028570df-7669-4bd8-bb06-0adca47b8cb5/emmaaward.jpg?10000
University awarded £30 million to train the next generation of science and engineering researchers through four new Centres for Doctoral Training /about/news/university-awarded-30-million-to-train-the-next-generation-of-science-and-engineering-researchers-through-four-new-centres-for-doctoral-training/ /about/news/university-awarded-30-million-to-train-the-next-generation-of-science-and-engineering-researchers-through-four-new-centres-for-doctoral-training/623688Swagֱ has been awarded £30 million funding by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for four Centres for Doctoral Training as part of the UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) £500 million investment in engineering and physical sciences doctoral skills across the UK.

  • Four Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) will train more than 350 doctoral students after being awarded over £30m funding.
  • The CDTs will support in developing the UK’s skills base in critical technologies by training students to tackle key challenges such as meeting net-zero targets through advanced materials, nuclear energy, robotics and AI.
  • Swagֱ is in the top three most-awarded institutions for CDTs after University of Bristol and University College London, and equal to University of Edinburgh.
  • Swagֱ has been awarded £30 million funding by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for four Centres for Doctoral Training as part of the UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) £500 million investment in engineering and physical sciences doctoral skills across the UK.

    Building on ѲԳٱ’s long-standing record of sustained support for doctoral training, the new CDTs will boost UK expertise in critical areas such as advanced materials, AI, and nuclear energy.

    The CDTs include:

    • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in 2D Materials of Tomorrow (2DMoT) - with cross-disciplinary research in the science and applications of two-dimensional materials, this CDT will focus on a new class of advanced materials with potential to transform modern technologies, from clean energy to quantum engineering. Led by , Professor of Physics at Swagֱ.
    • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0 - this CDT will bring together students from a range of backgrounds in science and engineering to drive forward the digitalisation of materials research and innovation. Led by , Professor of Applied Mathematics at Swagֱ and the Henry Royce Institute.
    • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Robotics and AI for Net Zero - this CDT will train and develop the next generation of multi-disciplinary robotic systems engineers to help revolutionise lifecycle asset management, in support of the UK’s Net Zero Strategy. Led by , Reader in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Swagֱ.
    • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in SATURN (Skills And Training Underpinning a Renaissance in Nuclear) - the primary aim of SATURN is to provide high quality research training in science and engineering, underpinning nuclear fission technology. Led by , Professor of Nuclear Chemistry at Swagֱ.

    Swagֱ received joint-third most awards across UK academia, and will partner with University of Cambridge, University of Glasgow, Imperial College London, Lancaster University, University of Leeds, University of Liverpool, University of Oxford, University of Sheffield, University of Strathclyde and the National Physical Laboratory to prepare the next generation of researchers, specialists and industry experts across a wide range of sectors and industries.

    In addition to leading these four CDTs, Swagֱ is also collaborating as a partner institution on the following CDTs:

    • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Power, based at University of York.
    • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science: Harnessing Aerosol Science for Improved Security, Resilience and Global Health, based at University of Bristol.
    • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing, based at Cardiff University.

    Along with institutional partnerships, all CDTs work with industrial partners, offering opportunities for students to develop their skills and knowledge in real-world environments which will produce a pipeline of highly skilled researchers ready to enter industry and take on sector challenges.

    Professor Scott Heath, Associate Dean for Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers at Swagֱ said of the awards: “We are delighted that the EPSRC have awarded this funding to establish these CDTs and expose new cohorts to the interdisciplinary experience that researching through a CDT encourages. By equipping the next generation of researchers with the expertise and skills necessary to tackle complex issues, we are laying the groundwork for transformative solutions that will shape industries and societies for generations to come.”

    Announced by Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan, this round of funding is the largest investment in engineering and physical sciences doctoral skills to-date, totalling more than £1 billion. Science and Technology Secretary, Michelle Donelan, said: “As innovators across the world break new ground faster than ever, it is vital that government, business and academia invests in ambitious UK talent, giving them the tools to pioneer new discoveries that benefit all our lives while creating new jobs and growing the economy.

    “By targeting critical technologies including artificial intelligence and future telecoms, we are supporting world class universities across the UK to build the skills base we need to unleash the potential of future tech and maintain our country’s reputation as a hub of cutting-edge research and development.”

    These CDTs join the already announced . This CDT led by , Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning at Swagֱ, will train the next generation of AI researchers to develop AI methods designed to accelerate new scientific discoveries – specifically in the fields of astronomy, engineering biology and material science.

    The first cohort of AI CDT, SATURN CDT and Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0 CDT students will start in the 2024/2025 academic year, recruitment for which will begin shortly. 2DMoT CDT and RAINZ CDT will have their first cohort in 2025/26.

    For more information about the University of Swagֱ's Centres for Doctoral Training, please visit:

    Tue, 12 Mar 2024 15:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_abm-cdt-cropped.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/abm-cdt-cropped.jpg?10000
    First human trial shows ‘wonder’ material can be developed safely /about/news/first-human-trial-shows-wonder-material-can-be-developed-safely/ /about/news/first-human-trial-shows-wonder-material-can-be-developed-safely/621022A revolutionary nanomaterial with huge potential to tackle multiple global challenges could be developed further without acute risk to human health, research suggests.

    A revolutionary nanomaterial with huge potential to tackle multiple global challenges could be developed further without acute risk to human health, research suggests.

    Carefully controlled inhalation of a specific type of – the world’s thinnest, super strong and super flexible material – has no short-term adverse effects on lung or cardiovascular function, the study shows.

    The first controlled exposure clinical trial in people was carried out using thin, ultra-pure graphene oxide – a water-compatible form of the material.

    Researchers say further work is needed to find out whether higher doses of this graphene oxide material or other forms of graphene would have a different effect.

    The team is also keen to establish whether longer exposure to the material, which is thousands of times thinner than a human hair, would carry additional health risks.

    There has been a surge of interest in developing graphene – at Swagֱ in 2004 and which has been hailed as a ‘wonder’ material. Possible applications include electronics, phone screens, clothing, paints and water purification.

    Graphene is actively being explored around the world to assist with targeted therapeutics against cancer and other health conditions, and also in the form of implantable devices and sensors. Before medical use, however, all nanomaterials need to be tested for any potential adverse effects.

    Researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Swagֱ recruited 14 volunteers to take part in the study under carefully controlled exposure and clinical monitoring conditions.

    The volunteers breathed the material through a face mask for two hours while cycling in a purpose-designed mobile exposure chamber brought to Edinburgh from the National Public Health Institute in the Netherlands.

    Effects on lung function, blood pressure, blood clotting and inflammation in the blood were measured – before the exposure and at two-hour intervals. A few weeks later, the volunteers were asked to return to the clinic for repeated controlled exposures to a different size of graphene oxide, or clean air for comparison.

    There were no adverse effects on lung function, blood pressure or the majority of other biological parameters looked at.

    Researchers noticed a slight suggestion that inhalation of the material may influence the way the blood clots, but they stress this effect was very small.

    Dr Mark Miller, of the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Cardiovascular Science, said: “Nanomaterials such as graphene hold such great promise, but we must ensure they are manufactured in a way that is safe before they can be used more widely in our lives.

    “Being able to explore the safety of this unique material in human volunteers is a huge step forward in our understanding of how graphene could affect the body. With careful design we can safely make the most of nanotechnology.”

    Professor Kostas Kostarelos, of Swagֱ and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in Barcelona, said: “This is the first-ever controlled study involving healthy people to demonstrate that very pure forms of graphene oxide – of a specific size distribution and surface character – can be further developed in a way that would minimise the risk to human health.

    has taken us more than 10 years to develop the knowledge to carry out this research, from a materials and biological science point of view, but also from the clinical capacity to carry out such controlled studies safely by assembling some of the world’s leading experts in this field.”

    Professor Bryan Williams, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer at the British Heart Foundation, said: “The discovery that this type of graphene can be developed safely, with minimal short term side effects, could open the door to the development of new devices, treatment innovations and monitoring techniques.

    “We look forward to seeing larger studies over a longer timeframe to better understand how we can safely use nanomaterials like graphene to make leaps in delivering lifesaving drugs to patients.”

    The study is published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology: .It was funded by the British Heart Foundation and the UKRI EPSRC.

    Fri, 16 Feb 2024 10:07:35 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_v9.jpg?59331 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/v9.jpg?59331
    Swagֱ professors honoured in 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists /about/news/manchester-professors-honoured-in-2024-blavatnik-awards-for-young-scientists/ /about/news/manchester-professors-honoured-in-2024-blavatnik-awards-for-young-scientists/617312Two University of Swagֱ professors have been recognised in the prestigious 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists.

    Two University of Swagֱ professors have been recognised in the prestigious 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists.

    Today, the and The announced the nine recipients of the 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK, including three Laureates and six finalists.

    and are named among the three Laureates, who will each receive £100,000 in recognition of their work in Chemical Sciences and Physical Sciences & Engineering, respectively.

    Now in its seventh year, the awards are the largest unrestricted prizes available to UK scientists aged 42 or younger. The awards recognise research that is transforming medicine, technology and our understanding of the world.

    This year’s Laureates were selected by an independent jury of expert scientists from across the UK.

    Professor Anthony Green, a Lecturer in Organic Chemistry from Swagֱ, has been named the Chemical Sciences Laureate for his discoveries in designing and engineering new enzymes, with valuable catalytic functions previously unknown in nature that address societal needs. Recent examples include the development of biocatalysts to produce COVID-19 therapies to break down plastics, and to use visible light to drive chemical reactions. 

    Rahul Nair, Professor of Materials Physics at Swagֱ, was named Laureate in Physical Sciences & Engineering for developing novel membranes based on two-dimensional (2D) materials that will enable energy-efficient separation and filtration technologies. Using graphene and other 2D materials, his research aims to study the transport of water, organic molecules, and ions at the nanoscale, exploring its potential applications to address societal challenges, including water filtration and other separation technologies.

    Internationally recognised by the scientific community, the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists are instrumental in expanding the engagement and recognition of young scientists and provide the support and encouragement needed to drive scientific innovation for the next generation.

    , Founder and Chairman of Access Industries and Head of the Blavatnik Family Foundation, said: “Providing recognition and funding early in a scientist’s career can make the difference between discoveries that remain in the lab and those that make transformative scientific breakthroughs.

    “We are proud that the Awards have promoted both UK science and the careers of many brilliant young scientists and we look forward to their additional discoveries in the years ahead.”

    , President and CEO of The New York Academy of Sciences and Chair of the Awards’ Scientific Advisory Council, added: “From studying cancer to identifying water in far-off planets, to laying the groundwork for futuristic quantum communications systems, to making enzymes never seen before in a lab or in nature, this year’s Laureates and Finalists are pushing the boundaries of science and working to make the world a better place. Thank you to this year’s jury for sharing their time and expertise in selecting these daring and bold scientists as the winning Laureates and Finalists of the 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK.”

    The 2024 Blavatnik Awards in the UK Laureates and Finalists will be honoured at a black-tie gala dinner and award ceremony at Banqueting House in Whitehall, London, on 27 February 2024.

    Wed, 17 Jan 2024 08:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/f874206d-a98e-4afa-a8f3-aafc5e709857/500_bays2024-63.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/f874206d-a98e-4afa-a8f3-aafc5e709857/bays2024-63.jpg?10000
    Tata Steel, The Henry Royce Institute Sign MoU to set up a Centre for Innovation in Advanced Materials /about/news/tata-steel-the-henry-royce-institute-sign-mou-to-set-up-a-centre-for-innovation-in-advanced-materials/ /about/news/tata-steel-the-henry-royce-institute-sign-mou-to-set-up-a-centre-for-innovation-in-advanced-materials/614248Tata Steel has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials, Swagֱ, UK, to set up a Centre for Innovation in Advanced Materials.

    Tata Steel has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials, Swagֱ, UK, to set up a Centre for Innovation in Advanced Materials. The two entities are joining forces on a collaborative research and development programme which will see Tata Steel investing £10 million over four years. The Centre for Innovation will be set up at the Institute’s headquarters at the University of Swagֱ.

    The new Centre aims to link up on Advanced Materials with the broader UK innovation eco-system involving multiple universities, catapult centres and the National Health Service. The research programme will get the benefit of participation of leading academics and technologists of the broader eco-system through the partner network of the Henry Royce Institute.

    Tata Steel has a growing business in composites, graphene, and medical materials. The research programme at the Centre will not only focus on pushing the knowledge boundaries in these materials, but also explore 2D and second-life materials. Establishing recycling technologies for materials will be an integral part of materials development.

    T. V. Narendran, CEO & MD, Tata Steel, said: “The establishment of the Centre for Innovation in the UK represents a strategic move for Tata Steel towards harnessing the global technology and innovation ecosystem. The Centre at Royce will enable us to work with world-class scientists and a rich partner network to create sustainable, breakthrough, market-ready applications for the benefit of both the Company and the community. Tata Steel is committed to developing pioneering technologies and solutions for a better tomorrow."

    Dr Debashish Bhattacharjee, Vice President, Technology and R&D, Tata Steel, said: “We have set up Centres for Innovation in India in key areas like Mobility, Mining, Mineral Research, and Advanced Materials. The Centre for Innovation in Advanced Materials at Royce is one of the first of Tata Steel’s multiple global satellite R&D and Technology centres planned in key strategic areas. I am enthusiastic about this collaboration which aligns seamlessly with Tata Steel's pursuit of technology leadership and building future ready businesses by exploring opportunities in materials beyond steel.”

    Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice-Chancellor of Swagֱ, said: “We are really pleased that Tata Steel is establishing this Centre for Innovation here in Swagֱ, truly leveraging our world-class expertise in advanced materials. Importantly, this excellent Centre will combine the capability of the University of ѲԳٱ’s leading materials researchers with the commercial expertise of Tata Steel and is set to deliver a very productive innovation-based relationship for both the University and the company.”

    Professor David Knowles, Royce CEO, said: “This important Royce collaboration with Tata Steel further underscores the opportunities for advanced materials and manufacturing both in the North West and across the UK – securing the experience and reach of a global player in materials manufacturing to further accelerate the translation of materials-based technologies to address challenges in health, sustainability and net-zero. Critically the Centre leverages on Royce’s national network of Partners to support a project which has a foot in the North West. We are looking forward to this programme building momentum for the region and feeding into a number of national supply chains supporting regional economic growth around the UK.”

    This collaboration aims to strengthen the existing robust relationship between the organisations, capitalising on Tata Steel's extensive expertise in technology translation and commercialisation, complemented by Royce's strengths in science and innovation within advanced materials. Additionally, this initiative will also enable the Royce Hub at Swagֱ to leverage their key Royce Partners which include the Universities of Cambridge and Sheffield, and Imperial College London under this MoU.

    Fri, 15 Dec 2023 12:37:45 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/eb05a6c8-6752-45fe-8c4a-775146a2ffd5/500_l-rsirpetergregsonprofdamenancyrothwellprofdavidknowlessonalraghuvanshitvnarendran.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/eb05a6c8-6752-45fe-8c4a-775146a2ffd5/l-rsirpetergregsonprofdamenancyrothwellprofdavidknowlessonalraghuvanshitvnarendran.jpg?10000
    University of Swagֱ awarded UKAEA funding for fusion development /about/news/university-of-manchester-awarded-ukaea-funding-for-fusion-development/ /about/news/university-of-manchester-awarded-ukaea-funding-for-fusion-development/614223Swagֱ has been awarded £1.3m by the UK Atomic Energy Authority for the development of lithium technologies for fusion.

    Swagֱ has been awarded £1.3m by the UK Atomic Energy Authority for the development of lithium technologies for fusion.

    The research will deliver a method to produce enriched lithium in the quantities needed to make breeder blankets for deuterium-tritium fusion reactors. This allows tritium, which is an extremely scarce resource, to be produced inside the reactor. Thereby solving the challenge of how to fuel fusion reactors.

    Dr Kathryn George will lead the project in collaboration with Prof Philip Martin, Prof Clint Sharrad and Dr Laurence Stamford from The University of ѲԳٱ’s Chemical Engineering department, Prof Bruce Hanson at the University of Leeds and Global Nuclear Security Partners Ltd. 

    UKAEA launched the new Fusion Industry Programme challenge ‘Realising the potential of lithium in an economic, sustainable and scalable fusion energy fuel-cycle’ in early 2023, encouraging organisations to develop and evaluate prototypes of lithium technology.

    In total, five organisations have secured six contracts worth £7.4m in total with UKAEA to develop lithium technology for fusion energy. The four universities and one company have received contracts ranging between £700,000 and £1.5m from UKAEA’s ‘Fusion Industry Programme’.

    Tim Bestwick, UKAEA’s Chief Development Officer, said: “Fusion energy continues to feature on the world stage, with recent commitments being made at COP28 to develop fusion as a sustainable, low carbon source of energy for future generations.

    “The Fusion Industry Programme is encouraging the development of UK industrial fusion capacity and preparing the UK fusion industry for the future global fusion power plant market.

    “The organisations that have been awarded these contracts have successfully demonstrated their lithium technology concepts and will now develop them to the ‘proof of concept’ stage.”

    The latest contracts follow the award of Fusion Industry Programme contracts earlier in 2023, focused on digital engineering and fusion fuel requirements, and more recently materials and manufacturing, and heating and cooling technologies.

    Fri, 15 Dec 2023 10:34:26 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_nuclear-fusion.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/nuclear-fusion.jpg?10000
    Chancellor of the Exchequer visits Swagֱ to discuss reform of UK’s power network /about/news/chancellor-of-the-exchequer-visits-the-university-of-manchester-to-discuss-reform-of-uks-power-network/ /about/news/chancellor-of-the-exchequer-visits-the-university-of-manchester-to-discuss-reform-of-uks-power-network/613356Swagֱ welcomed the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt to learn about its research and expertise in energy networks and discuss the Government’s recent plans to

    Swagֱ welcomed the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt to learn about its research and expertise in energy networks and discuss the Government’s recent plans to

    The Chancellor visited the High Voltage Lab – the largest university high voltage laboratory in the UK - where he was given a guided tour by Ian Cotton, Professor of High Voltage Technology, to showcase the University’s work in the areas of operation, planning and analysis of energy networks.

    The tour started with a demonstration of the Lab’s 2MV impulse generator, which allows researchers to stress test equipment used on the grid by creating real-life lightning voltages. He then moved on to discuss the work of the lab, addressing three critical issues:

    • Fast-tracking network upgrades by developing and testing new, innovative technologies ready for deployment onto the live electricity networks.
    • Ensuring the power system is ready to transfer increased amounts of generation from new, renewable sources like wave power.
    • Making the grid secure and ensuring the UK has access to reliable, affordable, and environmentally sustainable energy.

    The Chancellor also had the chance to chat to a number of PhD students, whose work is also actively contributing to the reform of the system and find out how the University is contributing to the skills pipeline integral for the future of the power network.

    In a closed-door meeting, energy experts at the University got the chance to ask the Chancellor questions and share their feedback about the government’s plans for the power network, including putting forward their own ideas for the future.

    , Professor of High Voltage Technology at Swagֱ, said: was a pleasure to host the Chancellor at the High Voltage Lab to showcase the work we are doing to solve the real-world challenges associated with ensuring the grid is ready to transfer the increased amounts of electrical energy we need to deliver net-zero.

    “We really enjoyed sharing our unique skills, knowledge and equipment that we use to solve these problems and show how we are training a new generation of engineers to transform our energy system.

    “The visit provided an invaluable opportunity to engage in insightful discussions regarding the Government's latest initiatives aimed at reforming the UK’s power network.”

    Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, added: “We are committed to transforming the Great British electricity network. The changes announced at Autumn Statement make it quicker and easier to build new infrastructure and could bring in upwards of £90 billion of global investment.

    “Cutting edge facilities at our world-beating universities, such as the fantastic High Voltage Lab, will be at the forefront of this effort, leading the charge on the UK’s transition to Net Zero.”

    The High Voltage Lab at Swagֱ is the largest electrical infrastructure test and research facility in UK academia. From the £9m lab, researchers collaborate with small businesses, large industry organisations and governments worldwide, sharing skills, knowledge and equipment to solve critical, real-world problems.

    The lab uses the very latest equipment, capable of testing components that will be used on 400 kV power systems, enabling researchers to find new ways to innovate at pace.

    The University is home to the largest power and energy system group in the UK, training 300 electrical engineers a year and supporting 150 PhD researchers in electrical power ensuring a new generation of engineers skilled to transform our energy system.

    ,  Senior Lecturer in Electric and Electronic Engineering, said: “The High Voltage Lab and our expertise plays a major part in the technology, innovation and skills supply chain needed for our net zero future.  From finding innovative ways to maintain the thousands of pylons across the grid, to de-risking superconductors for future power transmission, we work on a range of projects at all technology readiness levels to make sure we maximise the potential of both the equipment and our research expertise, to accelerate the development of our future electrical network.”

    Find out more about the and .

    Fri, 08 Dec 2023 06:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/2859f7e8-5309-4ad6-9380-e4ed5fbf916f/500_53380740912-b1636716a2-c.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/2859f7e8-5309-4ad6-9380-e4ed5fbf916f/53380740912-b1636716a2-c.jpg?10000
    Sails and satellite navigation could cut shipping industry’s emissions by up to a third /about/news/sails-and-satellite-navigation-could-cut-shipping-industrys-emissions-by-up-to-a-third/ /about/news/sails-and-satellite-navigation-could-cut-shipping-industrys-emissions-by-up-to-a-third/610155In the vast expanse of the world’s oceans, a transformation is underway.

    Originally published on

    By James Mason, Visiting Academic in Decarbonisation;  Alice Larkin, Professor of Climate Science and Energy Policy;  and Simon Bullock, Research Associate, Shipping and Climate Change.

    In the vast expanse of the world’s oceans, a transformation is underway.

    The international shipping sector, made up of thousands of massive cargo ships laden with many of the goods we buy, emits carbon dioxide (CO₂) roughly equivalent to the entire country of .

    Our emphasises the need for immediate action. Reducing shipping emissions by 34% by 2030 is necessary to stay on course with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal. But with low-carbon fuel pipelines unlikely to be at the necessary scale until at least the 2030s, how can the industry meet its short-term target?

    Enter a new solution with ancient origins: sails. Not the billowing canvases of centuries past but high-tech systems capable of harnessing renewable wind energy to supplement the propulsion from a ship’s engine.

    A number of advanced sail designs are gaining the attention of shipping firms. Two contenders include Flettner rotors, cylinders that spin to generate propulsion, and “wingsails”, which resemble aeroplane wings and are derived from designs used in yacht racing.

    A concept image of a cargo vessel fitted with six vertical wingsails.Wingsails, analogous to aeroplane wings, provide lift on either side. Smart Green Shipping,

    Wind propulsion allows ships to use less fuel and so emit less greenhouse gas. However, in our , we found that the real opportunity to slash emissions from shipping this decade lies in combining sails with optimal routes plotted by satellite navigation systems.

    An old idea with new technology

    Optimised routing is a familiar concept to most of us. You’ll have used it by typing a destination into Google Maps and allowing its algorithms to calculate the quickest way for you to arrive at your destination.

    The process is similar for ships. But instead of finding the quickest journey, the software models the ship’s performance in water to calculate routes and speeds that minimise fuel use.

    With optimised routing and sails, ships can deviate from their standard course to seek out favourable winds. The ship may travel a longer distance but the extra power gained by the sails limits the ship’s fuel consumption and reduces the total emissions over the full journey. The software only suggests routes that guarantee the same arrival time, keeping the ship to its original schedule.

    We used a computer model simulation of a cargo vessel with four sails, each taller than Brazil’s Christ the Redeemer statue at 35 meters high. By calculating the fuel consumption of this large bulk carrier ship on over 100,000 journeys spanning four years and covering 14 shipping routes worldwide, we found that sails can cut annual carbon emissions by around 10%.

    The true promise of sails unfolds when optimal routing is used, increasing annual emission cuts to 17%.

    Routes with ideal wind conditions have even greater potential. The most promising are typically those far from the equator, such as transatlantic and transpacific crossings, where strong winds can fill large sails. By taking advantage of wind patterns moving across the ocean on these routes, sails and optimised routing can cut annual emissions by over 30%.

    Take the journey between the UK and the US as an example. A ship setting out on this voyage will typically experience strong headwinds which generate drag and push the ship backwards, meaning more fuel must be burned to maintain the same forward momentum. But by using sails and optimised routing software on this crossing, ships can avoid these headwinds and steer into more favourable winds.

    A cargo vessel with two cylinders rising from the deck.Flettner rotors are smooth cylinders with discs that spin as wind passes at right angles across it. Norsepower,

    On the return journey, the ship would typically experience strong winds from behind and the side, which would fill the sails and push the ship on. With optimised routing software the ship can find even stronger winds and fine-tune its direction for the sails to maximise propulsion.

    Keeping the 1.5°C target afloat

    The International Maritime Organization (the UN agency responsible for environmental regulation in shipping) has a of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 20%-30% by 2030. The Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C target .

    Our research shows that cuts to CO₂ of this magnitude are possible this decade using wind propulsion and optimised routing on promising routes. Achieving this will oblige the shipping industry to deploy existing technologies and practices and shift its focus from fuel alone, as will take longer to develop.

    As we sail further into the 21st century, our research delivers a clear message to the shipping industry: substantial carbon reductions are feasible this decade. Here is an old idea, one that integrates technology with tradition, that can steer international shipping towards its climate goals.


    This article is republished from under a Creative Commons license. Read the .

    Wed, 22 Nov 2023 10:53:28 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/9a703823-9bf2-4ecb-b7fa-e4bf43ec8b96/500_acargovesselwithflettnerrotorsndashamodernequivalenttosails.norsepower.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/9a703823-9bf2-4ecb-b7fa-e4bf43ec8b96/acargovesselwithflettnerrotorsndashamodernequivalenttosails.norsepower.jpg?10000
    Scientists one step closer to re-writing world’s first synthetic yeast genome, unravelling the fundamental building blocks of life /about/news/scientists-one-step-closer-to-re-writing-worlds-first-synthetic-yeast-genome-unravelling-the-fundamental-building-blocks-of-life/ /about/news/scientists-one-step-closer-to-re-writing-worlds-first-synthetic-yeast-genome-unravelling-the-fundamental-building-blocks-of-life/605697Scientists have engineered a chromosome entirely from scratch that will contribute to the production of the world’s first synthetic yeast.

    Scientists have engineered a chromosome entirely from scratch that will contribute to the production of the world’s first synthetic yeast.

    Researchers in the Swagֱ Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) at Swagֱ have created the tRNA Neochromosome – a chromosome that is new to nature.

    It forms part of a wider project (Sc2.0) that has now successfully synthesised all 16 native chromosomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, common baker’s yeast, and aims to combine them to form a fully synthetic cell.

    The international team has already combined six and a half synthetic chromosomes in a functional cell. It is the first time scientists have written a eukaryotic genome from scratch.

    Yeasts are a common workhorse of industrial biotechnological processes as they allow valuable chemicals to be produced more efficiently, economically, and sustainably. They are often used in the production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, flavours and fragrances, as well as in the more well-known fermentation processes of bread-making and beer-brewing.

    Being able to re-write a yeast genome from scratch could create a strain that is stronger, works faster, is more tolerant to harsh conditions and has a higher yield.

    The process also sheds light on the traditionally problematic genome fundamentals, such as how genomes are organised and evolved.

    The findings of both projects, published as two research articles of the prestigious journals Cell and Cell Genomics respectively, are a culmination of 10 years of research from an international consortium of scientists led by Professor Patrick Cai and Swagֱ, and mark a new chapter in engineering biology.

    The University of ѲԳٱ’s research also features on the front covers of both journals.


    Prof Cai, Chair in Synthetic Genomics at Swagֱ who is the international coordinator of Sc2.0 project, said: “This is an exciting milestone when it comes to engineering biology. While we have been able to edit genes for some time, we have never before been able to write a eukaryote genome from scratch. This work is fundamental to our understanding of the building blocks of life and has the potential to revolutionise synthetic biology which is fitting as Swagֱ is the home of the Industrial Revolution. Now, we’re at the forefront of the biotechnological revolution too.

    “What’s remarkable about this project is the sheer scale of collaboration and the interdisciplinarity involved in bringing it to fruition. We’ve brought together not only our experts here in the MIB, but also experts from across the world in fields ranging from biology and genomics to computer science and bioengineering.

    Dr Daniel Schindler, one of the two lead authors and group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology and the Center for Synthetic Microbiology (SYNMIKRO) in Marburg, added: "The international Sc2.0 is a fascinating, highly interdisciplinary project. It combines basic research to expand our understanding of genome fundamentals, but also paves the way for future applications in biotechnology and drives technology developments.

    “The international and inclusive nature of the project has unleashed the science and seeded future collaborations and friendships. The Swagֱ Institute of Biotechnology, with its excellent research environment and open space, has always facilitated this."

    The tRNA neochromosome is used to house and organise all 275 nuclear tRNA genes from the yeast and will eventually be added to the fully synthetic yeast where the tRNA genes have been removed from the other synthesised chromosomes. 

    Unlike the other synthetic chromosomes of the Sc2.0 project, the tRNA neochromosome has no native counterpart in the yeast genome.

    It was designed using AI assisted, computer-assisted design (CAD), manufactured with state-of-the-art roboticized foundries, and completed by comprehensive genome-wide metrology to ensure the high fitness of the synthetic cells.

    Next, the researchers will work together to bring all the individual synthetic chromosomes together into a fully synthetic genome. The final Sc2.0 strain will not only be the world’s first synthetic eukaryote, but also the first one to be built by the international community.

    “The potential benefits of this research are universal – the limiting factor isn’t the technology, it’s our imagination”, says Prof Cai.

    Wed, 08 Nov 2023 16:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/bb9b0735-f1ee-4797-8931-7d149e9ffc5b/500_yeastpuzzle.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/bb9b0735-f1ee-4797-8931-7d149e9ffc5b/yeastpuzzle.png?10000
    Swagֱ secures major bioscience funding to harness the activity of microbiomes for a more sustainable future /about/news/the-university-of-manchester-secures-major-bioscience-funding-to-harness-the-activity-of-microbiomes-for-a-more-sustainable-future/ /about/news/the-university-of-manchester-secures-major-bioscience-funding-to-harness-the-activity-of-microbiomes-for-a-more-sustainable-future/593750Scientists at Swagֱ are set to receive a multi-million-pound grant to advance our understanding of interactions in microbiomes and how they might impact the world around us.

    Scientists at Swagֱ are set to receive a multi-million-pound grant to advance our understanding of interactions in microbiomes and how they might impact the world around us.

    The research, funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council’s (BBSRC) strategic Longer and Larger (sLoLa) grants programme, takes the first major step towards understanding complex microbial communities and will support the move towards a more sustainable and Net Zero future.

    The University is one of four institutions to receive a share of £18 million from the BBSRC to support adventurous research aimed at tackling fundamental questions in bioscience.

    The project, worth £5.4 million, builds on the work of the Swagֱ Microbiome Network - a network that brings together the leading microbiome science expertise from across the University to deliver a step-change in understanding microbial communities, regardless of habitat.

    Lead researcher, Professor Sophie Nixon, BBSRC David Phillips and Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellow at Swagֱ, said: “Microbial communities, often called microbiomes, are found in almost every habitable environment on the planet. They exert a significant influence on each of these environments, whether that be the soil we grow our food, in the guts of animals, or even in extreme environments like geothermal springs – our target environment for this project. However, microbiomes are inherently complex and challenging to study, and their ‘rules of life’ remain obscure.

    “Recent technological advances have allowed researchers to study the interactions between members of microbiomes for the first time. Yet, we have barely scratched the surface of resolving how these interactions affect the structure, function, and stability of the community as a whole.   

    Over five years, the researchers from Swagֱ and the Earlham Institute will concentrate on low-diversity communities inhabiting geothermal springs, using a powerful combination of biochemical, ‘omics, and synthetic biology approaches to uncover the rules that govern microbial life in communities.

    Using a tractable model system, the team aim to engineer the microbial community both as a learning tool to test emerging hypotheses, such as the ways in which microbes depend on or hinder one another, and as a testbed for future biotechnological development.

    Ultimately, the findings will facilitate the engineering of bespoke microbial communities to be used for a plethora of important applications, including new ways to bio-convert CO2 emissions into socio-economically beneficial compounds, contributing toward a more sustainable and Net Zero future. 

    Professor Guy Poppy, Interim Executive Chair at BBSRC, said: “The latest investment by BBSRC’s sLoLa award programme represents a pivotal step in advancing frontier bioscience research.

    “These four world-class teams are poised to unravel the fundamental rules of life, employing interdisciplinary approaches to tackle bold challenges at the forefront of bioscience.

    “By fostering collaboration and innovation, we aim to catalyse ground-breaking discoveries with far-reaching implications for agriculture, health, biotechnology, the green economy and beyond.”

    The University of ѲԳٱ’s research team includes seven researchers from the Faculty of Science and Engineering (five of which are based in the flagship Swagֱ Institute of Biotechnology), two from the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, and one from the Earlham Institute - a life science research institute based in Norwich.

    Thu, 28 Sep 2023 11:39:49 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/53a9aa5c-dfe2-4d20-b79c-0075c9a813f1/500_sophienixon.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/53a9aa5c-dfe2-4d20-b79c-0075c9a813f1/sophienixon.jpeg?10000
    Swagֱ-Aveiro collaboration to explore next generation biomedical implants /about/news/manchester-aveiro-collaboration-to-explore-next-generation-biomedical-implants/ /about/news/manchester-aveiro-collaboration-to-explore-next-generation-biomedical-implants/591891A new collaboration between Swagֱ and CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials will transform the field of biomedical implants.  

    A new collaboration between Swagֱ and CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials will transform the field of biomedical implants.  

    The University of ѲԳٱ’s Dr Beatriz Mingo – RAEng Engineers Trust Young Engineer of the Year 2022 – will collaborate with Dr Isabel Sousa from CICERO-Aveiro Institute of Materials – the best ranked materials science research unit in Portugal (Portuguese Science Foundation) – to develop a technology that has the potential to serve as the foundation for the next generation of biomedical implants with enhanced properties. 

    Biodegradable materials for orthopaedic implants, such as screws, nails, or staples are of increasing clinical interest due to their ability to dissolve naturally after the bone has healed. This removes the need for additional surgical interventions to remove the implant, and the risk of further complication that this can cause. 

    Magnesium, with its bone-like density and biocompatibility, is considered the ideal material. However, its rate of degradation is extremely high and currently does not last the complete bone healing period.  

    The new project, funded by the Royal Society and starting this September, Dr Mingo and Dr Sousa aim to create a solution by developing a smart multilayer coating for magnesium substrates, in which each layer offers a specific functionality.  

    The ceramic layer increases the implant life, matching the rate of biodegradation to that of the bone healing time; while the organic top-coat loaded with encapsulated antibiotics, simultaneously releases antibiotic molecules in-situ where infections are most likely to occur.  

    Dr Beatriz Mingo, Senior Lecturer and Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow at Swagֱ, explains: “Our proposed technology has the potential to provide a foundation that transforms the future use of biomedical implants, creating an application that both optimises the healing process through the release of antibiotics, while eradicating the need for follow up surgeries – an additional risk of infection – to remove the implants. This will positively impact society by providing shorter treatment times for patients while relieving the financial burden of the NHS.” 

    The research grant is part of Royal Society initiative to stimulate international collaborations with leading scientists.  As part of the grant, Dr Mingo’s group members will visit the Univeristy of Aveiro to develop biodegradable gelatine capsules containing antibiotic agents and Dr Sousa will visit Swagֱ to incorporate these particles into coatings formed on magnesium based components. 

    Dr Beatriz Mingo is a materials  scientist at Swagֱ, whose research focuses on environmentally friendly surface treatments for light alloys.  

    In addition to this project announced today, she is also developing high-performance smart materials that can release corrosion inhibitors in response to the change in pH that accompanies the start of the corrosion process. Her research could extend the lifetime of lightweight components used in transport, which will help to create energy-efficient vehicles and support sustainable consumption of resources.  

    is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest challenges facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons 

    Mon, 25 Sep 2023 12:33:19 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/6806f4e0-d174-4c08-85ac-bd6a0f7ca63f/500_crystalvioletlactonemelamineformaldehydecapsules.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/6806f4e0-d174-4c08-85ac-bd6a0f7ca63f/crystalvioletlactonemelamineformaldehydecapsules.jpg?10000
    Swagֱ research to boost bioprinting technology to address critical health challenges in space /about/news/manchester-research-to-boost-bioprinting-technology-to-address-critical-health-challenges-in-space/ /about/news/manchester-research-to-boost-bioprinting-technology-to-address-critical-health-challenges-in-space/585603New research by Swagֱ will enhance the power of bioprinting technology, opening doors to transform advances in medicine and addressing critical health challenges faced by astronauts during space missions.

    New research by Swagֱ will enhance the power of bioprinting technology, opening doors to transform advances in medicine and addressing critical health challenges faced by astronauts during space missions.

    Bioprinting involves using specialised 3D printers to print living cells creating new skin, bone, tissue or organs for transplantation.

    The technique has the potential to revolutionise medicine, and specifically in the realm of space travel, bioprinting could have a significant impact.

    Astronauts on extended space missions have an increased health risk due to the absence of gravity and exposure to radiation. This makes them susceptible to diseases such as osteoporosis caused by loss of bone density and can cause injuries, such as fractures, which currently can’t be treated in space.

    By harnessing bioprinting capabilities in space, researchers aim to protect the health of space explorers.

    Currently, bioprinting machines rely on Earth’s gravity to function effectively. The new research by Swagֱ, funded by a £200,000 grant from the UK Space Agency and supported by the European Space Agency, seeks to understand how to optimise the bioprinting process for conditions experienced in space, such as lack of gravity.

    Dr Marco Domingos, Senior Lecturer in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at Swagֱ, said: “This project marks a significant leap forward in bioprinting technology and by addressing the challenges posed by microgravity, we are paving the way for remarkable advancements in medicine and space exploration.”

    Libby Moxon, Exploration Science Officer for Lunar and Microgravity, added: “The University of ѲԳٱ’s pioneering project investigating a novel approach for bioprinting in space will help strengthen the UK’s leadership in the areas of fluid mechanics, soft matter physics and biomaterials, and could help protect the health of astronauts exploring space around the Earth, Moon and beyond.

    “We’re backing technology and capabilities that support ambitious space exploration missions to benefit the global space community, and we look forward to following this bioprinting research as it evolves.”

    Eventually, the team, including Dr Domingos, Prof Anne Juel and Dr Igor Chernyavsky, will take their findings to a bioprinting station being developed on board the International Space Station, which will allow researchers to print models in space and study the effects of radiation and microgravity.

    Dr Domingos said: “The first challenge is figuring out how to print anything where there is no gravity. There are few facilities in the UK that are suitable to study the bioprinting process within an environment that matches that of space – they are either too small, or the time in which microgravity conditions are applies are too short. Hence, it is important to print in space to advance our knowledge in this field.

    “By combining the principles of physics with bioprinting at Swagֱ, we hope to come up with a solution before taking it to the International Space Station for testing.”

    The project will take place over two years at the Bioprinting Technology Platform based at the Henry Royce Institute on The University of ѲԳٱ’s campus.

    It hopes to develop beyond the challenge of microgravity to address further challenges of preserving, transporting and processing cells in space.

    Thu, 24 Aug 2023 11:57:55 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/b02e6824-20a5-4ea9-bcaa-04cd74961710/500_3dbioprinters.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/b02e6824-20a5-4ea9-bcaa-04cd74961710/3dbioprinters.jpg?10000
    Swagֱ academics tackle “hidden problem” of textile waste in the football industry /about/news/manchester-academics-tackle-hidden-problem-of-textile-waste-in-the-football-industry/ /about/news/manchester-academics-tackle-hidden-problem-of-textile-waste-in-the-football-industry/582542A new partnership dedicated to tackling the impact of textile waste in the football industry has been launched between Swagֱ and RÆBURN Design – a leading sustainable fashion studio.  

    A new partnership dedicated to tackling the impact of textile waste in the football industry has been launched between Swagֱ and RÆBURN Design – a leading sustainable fashion studio.  

    The UK disposes of one million tonnes of textiles every year, 300,000 tonnes of which end up in landfill or incineration. Some figures suggest 10% of global CO2 emissions come from the fashion industry. 

    The football sector is a huge contributor to this - approximately 2.45 million Liverpool and 1.95 million Swagֱ United sports shirts were sold worldwide in 2021 alone. 

    The new project, KIT:BAG by RÆBURN, will work with local sportswear suppliers and the local community transform surplus football shirts into unique reusable tote bags, while educating them of the environmental impacts of textile waste and how we can extend the life of our garments. 

    It aims to provide a fun, responsible way to keep kits in circulation while shining a light on the large-scale problem in the industry. 

    Lindsay Pressdee, Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Fashion Marketing & Branding Communication at Swagֱ, said: “Developing meaningful sustainable business models and consumer behaviours remains a key issue within the fashion sector and raises serious environmental concerns.  

    “This project focuses on the overlooked area of sportswear; how we can extend the life of these polyester garments and avoid them going into landfill or incineration, through the key principle of community education. 

    “The initiative aligns with Swagֱ's objectives of promoting sustainability and social responsibility and by collaborating with Raeburn Design, which follows the REMADE sustainable ethos, we have an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and address this issue.” 

    Christopher Raeburn, Creative Director at RÆBURN, added: “As our business has evolved, we’ve tried, tested and proven our “Remade, Reduced, Recycled” motif can be scaled and translated into other industries outside of fashion, such as architecture, furniture design, film and cultural placemaking. 

    “KIT:BAG by RAEBURN marks our newest venture: bringing circular design solutions to the sports industry. We’re excited to have the University of Swagֱ on board as our research partner for this project. Together, we’ve set out a roadmap and a masterplan, now we’re inviting industry leaders to join us on this journey.” 

    While many solutions are emerging to tackle the problem of sustainable fashion, the size of the problem relating to official sportswear remains unknown.  

    As research partners, academics from the Department of Materials at Swagֱ will focus on advancing current knowledge and generating new knowledge in this area. The researchers, including Lindsay Pressdee, Dr Amy Benstead,  Dr Jo Conlon and student intern Lena Bartoszewicz, will look at post-consumer waste, diverting it from landfill and repurposing it into a new usable product - a key part of the circular design model. 

    Lindsay added: “The waste of sportwear is a hidden problem – we know that football teams can have on average three kits per season, but we do not know how many people have in their homes, shoved in their wardrobes, or put away in their lofts.  

    “The problem requires a multifaceted approach and any change requires collaboration with consumers, sports clubs, garment recycling schemes, sports brands and producers. 

    is difficult to distinguish who is responsible, so we must consider both the sustainable production and consumption of products – a key principle of which is education.” 

    KIT:BAG by RÆBURN will launch on Thursday, 27 July with a party at The Lab E20 – Raeburn’s creative workspace in London. This will be followed by a community event for children and families on Saturday, 29 July.  

    The team plan to extend this to Swagֱ, where they will invite the local community to various workshops and have a go at making their own reusable bags.


    Wed, 26 Jul 2023 15:07:05 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/fa75626a-170f-4715-b3f0-8b01bb7fb15e/500_kitbagmain.jpg?21555 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/fa75626a-170f-4715-b3f0-8b01bb7fb15e/kitbagmain.jpg?21555
    Swagֱ scientists caught Hofstadter’s butterfly in one of the most ancient materials on Earth /about/news/manchester-scientists-caught-hofstadters-butterfly-in-one-of-the-most-ancient-materials-on-earth/ /about/news/manchester-scientists-caught-hofstadters-butterfly-in-one-of-the-most-ancient-materials-on-earth/581833A team of researchers from Swagֱhave revisited in a study published in one of the most ancient materials on Earth – graphite, and discovered new physics that has eluded the field for decades.

    Researchers in the at The University of Swagֱ have revisited one of the most ancient materials on Earth – graphite, and discovered new physics that has eluded the field for decades.

    Despite being made entirely of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb pattern, natural graphite is not as simple as one may think. The manner in which these atomic layers stack on top of one another can result in different types of graphite, characterised by different stacking order of consecutive atomic planes.   The majority of naturally appearing graphite has hexagonal stacking, making it one of the most “ordinary” materials on Earth. The structure of graphite crystal is a repetitive pattern. This pattern gets disrupted at the surface of the crystal and leads to what's called 'surface states', which are like waves that slowly fade away as you go deeper into the crystal. But how surface states can be tuned in graphite, was not well understood yet.

    Van der Waals technology and twistronics (stacking two 2D crystals at a twist angle to tune the properties of the resulting structure to a great extent, because of moiré pattern formed at their interface) are the two leading fields in 2D materials research. Now, the team of NGI researchers, led by Prof. Artem Mishchenko, employs moiré pattern to tune the surface states of graphite, reminiscent of a kaleidoscope with everchanging pictures as one rotates the lens, revealing the extraordinary new physics behind graphite.

    In particular, Prof. Mishchenko expanded twistronics technique to three-dimensional graphite and found that moiré potential does not just modify the surface states of graphite, but also affects the electronic spectrum of the entire bulk of graphite crystal. Much like the well-known story of The Princess and The Pea, the princess felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds. In the case of graphite, the moiré potential at an aligned interface could penetrate through more than 40 atomic graphitic layers.

    This research, published in the latest issue of , studied the effects of moiré patterns in bulk hexagonal graphite generated by crystallographic alignment with hexagonal boron nitride. The most fascinating result is the observation of a 2.5-dimensional mixing of the surface and bulk states in graphite, which manifests itself in a new type of fractal quantum Hall effect – a 2.5D Hofstadter’s butterfly.

    Prof. Artem Mishchenko at Swagֱ, who has already discovered the said: “Graphite gave rise to the celebrated graphene, but people normally are not interested in this ‘old’ material. And now, even with our accumulated knowledge on graphite of different stacking and alignment orders in the past years, we still found graphite a very attractive system – so much yet to be explored”. Ciaran Mullan, one of the leading authors of the paper, added: “Our work opens up new possibilities for controlling electronic properties by twistronics not only in 2D but also in 3D materials”.

    Prof. Vladimir Fal’ko, Director of the National Graphene Institute and theoretical physicist at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, added: “The unusual 2.5D quantum Hall effect in graphite arises as the interplay between two quantum physics textbook phenomena – Landau quantisation in strong magnetic fields and quantum confinement, leading to yet another new type of quantum effect”.

    The same team is now carrying on with the graphite research to gain a better understanding of this surprisingly interesting material.


    Image credit: Prof. Jun Yin (co-author of the paper) 

    Advanced materials is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s research beacons - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships tackling some of the planet's biggest questions. #ResearchBeacons

    Thu, 20 Jul 2023 12:24:28 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ee78b64d-450a-47dc-93a2-6983e93ccd56/500_graphitebutterfly.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ee78b64d-450a-47dc-93a2-6983e93ccd56/graphitebutterfly.jpg?10000
    Swagֱ researchers to take a leading role in four national energy research centres /about/news/manchester-researchers-to-take-a-leading-role-in-four-national-energy-research-centres/ /about/news/manchester-researchers-to-take-a-leading-role-in-four-national-energy-research-centres/580812Swagֱ’s expertise in offshore renewables, hydrogen integration, energy networks and energy demand will be used in the creation of four multi-million pound research centres to drive forward change in the energy sector and help to meet the UK’s net zero target by 2050. 

    The University of Manchester’s expertise in offshore renewables, hydrogen integration, energy networks and energy demand will be used in the creation of four multi-million pound research centres to drive forward change in the energy sector and help to meet the UK’s net zero target by 2050. 

    Funded by UK Research and Innovation, the energy research centres will boost knowledge, create innovative green technologies and reduce demand for energy to achieve greener, cleaner, domestic, industrial and transport energy systems. 

    Swagֱ researchers will partner with academics across the UK in four specialist research hubs, designed to address key challenges in the energy transition. 

    The four hubs are: 

    A new Energy Demand Research Centre, which will build an evidence base for understanding consumer behaviour, assessing the impact of socio-technical energy demand reduction measures, and research mechanisms to improve energy efficiency. The centre will draw on expertise from The University of ѲԳٱ’s , a global authority on energy poverty, justice and equity, to investigate how domestic, industrial and transport energy demand reduction can be delivered on a local and national level across the UK. The centre has been awarded £15 million from the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).  

    A £10 million ESPRC-funded HI-ACT Hub, which will see The University of ѲԳٱ’s Professor Aoife Foley, Chair in Net Zero, help evaluate routes to effective integration of hydrogen into the wider energy landscape, addressing interactions with electricity, natural gas, heat, and transport. By considering a whole systems perspective, the research shall identify where hydrogen offers most value. 

    The Supergen Energy Networks Impact Hub, which will investigate the modernisation of energy transmission and distribution systems to make them a driving force towards a rapid, safe, and just transition to net zero. The Hub will be led by Professor Phil Taylor at the University of Bristol, supported by The University of ѲԳٱ’s as Deputy Director and and as co-directors.   

    The Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Impact Hub, which will deliver research to accelerate the impact of current generation and future ORE devices and systems and support the UK’s ambition to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Researchers will focus on innovation and new technologies in wave, tidal, and offshore wind power. As co-director, will lead the work stream titled “ORE Modelling”, with activities supported at Swagֱ by two Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellows – and – and Research Fellow . 


    Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, Chief Executive of UKRI, said: “The government has set a target of reaching net zero emissions by 2050, requiring rapid decarbonisation of our energy systems. UKRI is leveraging its ability to work across disciplines to support this ambition through a major portfolio of investments that will catalyse innovation and new green energy systems.  

    “The funding announced today will support researchers and innovators to develop game changing ideas to improve domestic, industrial and transport energy systems.” 

    Dr Robin Preece, Reader in Future Power System at Swagֱ and Deputy Director of The Supergen Energy Networks Impact Hub added: “Given the need to rapidly reduce carbon emissions, making sure our work at Swagֱ catalyses innovation and creates new technologies is paramount. By collaborating with specialists across partner universities through these hubs, we can help develop pioneering ideas that addresses critical, real world challenges.” 

    With the support of energy experts, Swagֱ, is committed to delivering an equitable and prosperous net zero energy future. By matching science and engineering, with social science, economics, politics and arts, the University’s community of 600+ experts address the entire lifecycle of each energy challenge, creating innovative and enduring solutions to make a difference to the lives of people around the globe. This enables the University’s research community to develop pathways to ensure a low carbon energy transition that will also drive jobs, prosperity, resilience and equality.

    Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:01:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_energy-strategy-newsletter--600x280.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/energy-strategy-newsletter--600x280.png?10000
    Researchers develop a new approach to scale-up manufacturing of life-saving oligonucleotide therapeutics /about/news/researchers-develop-a-new-approach-to-scale-up-manufacturing-of-life-saving-oligonucleotide-therapeutics/ /about/news/researchers-develop-a-new-approach-to-scale-up-manufacturing-of-life-saving-oligonucleotide-therapeutics/578939Scientists have developed a new approach to produce life-saving oligonucleotide therapeutics on a large scale, in high purity, and with minimal environmental impacts.

    Scientists have developed a new approach to produce life-saving oligonucleotide therapeutics on a large scale, in high purity, and with minimal environmental impacts.

    Therapeutic oligonucleotides are an emerging class of drug molecules that have the potential to treat a wide range of diseases.

    The finding, by Swagֱ, will facilitate large-scale production of oligonucleotides to ensure the widest possible access of these drugs for patients.

    Oligonucleotides are short sequences of DNA that can modulate or control gene expression. In this way, they have the potential to address the underlying causes of various diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and muscular dystrophy.

    Over recent years, there has been an increasing number of approved oligonucleotide-based therapies, but widespread use of the drug has been limited in part because of difficulties in its manufacturing process.

    Current methods rely on chemical synthesis that requires large amounts of solvent, generates substantial waste, and delivers final products with low yield and modest purity. Reactions are performed on solid supports or columns, which limits scalability, making them suitable only for producing oligonucleotides in small batches.

    The new research, published in the journal , presents a sustainable and scalable approach to oligonucleotide production, addressing the challenges associated with current methods.

    The findings could have major implications for the pharmaceutical industry.

    Sarah Lovelock, Senior Lecturer at the Swagֱ Institute of Biotechnology at Swagֱ, said: “Therapeutic oligonucleotides are an exciting new drug modality with huge potential to treat a wide range of diseases, including genetic disorders and viral infections.

    “Many pharmaceutical companies have therapeutic oligonucleotide candidates in their pipelines, including those for common diseases. The development of more scalable and sustainable approaches to oligonucleotide production will be key to ensuring the widest possible access to this powerful class of therapeutics.”

    In nature, DNA can be copied or amplified using enzymes called polymerases. The new approach uses these polymerases to amplify a catalytic DNA template to make a high volume of therapeutic oligonucleotides in a single step. This contrasts the iterative rounds of chain extension, capping, oxidation and deprotection associated with established methods.

    Researchers at the University of Swagֱ are now working in a collaborative partnership with technology innovation catalyst CPI, AstraZeneca, and Novartis to scale up the approach presented within this research. 

    Wed, 28 Jun 2023 12:28:41 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/46b70505-cdb7-4ef6-9c49-47f74b1b4702/500_adobestock-404350568.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/46b70505-cdb7-4ef6-9c49-47f74b1b4702/adobestock-404350568.jpeg?10000
    Experiments reveal water can "talk" to electrons in graphene /about/news/experiments-reveal-water-can-talk-to-electrons-in-graphene/ /about/news/experiments-reveal-water-can-talk-to-electrons-in-graphene/578618An international team of researchers from Swagֱ, the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research of Mainz (Germany), and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2, Spain), reports in a study published in that water can interact directly with the carbon’s electrons: a quantum phenomenon that is very unusual in fluid dynamics.

     For the last 20 years, scientists have been puzzled by how water behaves near carbon surfaces. It may flow much faster than expected from conventional flow theories or form strange arrangements such as square ice. Now, an international team of researchers from Swagֱ, the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research of Mainz (Germany), and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2, Spain), reports in a study published recently in that water can interact directly with the carbon’s electrons: a quantum phenomenon that is very unusual in fluid dynamics. The results of this research could lead to applications in water purification and desalination processes and maybe even to liquid-based computers. 

    A liquid, such as water, is made up of small molecules that randomly move and constantly collide with each other. A solid, in contrast, is made of neatly arranged atoms that bathe in a cloud of electrons. The solid and the liquid worlds are assumed to interact only through collisions of the liquid molecules with the solid’s atoms: the liquid molecules do not “see” the solid’s electrons. Nevertheless, just over a year ago, a paradigm-shifting theoretical study proposed that at the water-carbon interface, the liquid’s molecules and the solid’s electrons push and pull on each other, slowing down the liquid flow: this new effect was called quantum friction. However, the theoretical proposal lacked experimental verification. 

    “We have now used lasers to see quantum friction at work,” explains study lead author Dr Nikita Kavokine. The team studied a sample of – a single monolayer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb pattern. They used ultrashort red laser pulses (with a duration of only a millionth of a billionth of a second) to instantaneously heat up the graphene’s electron cloud. They then monitored its cooling with terahertz laser pulses, which are sensitive to the temperature of the graphene electrons. This technique is called optical pump–terahertz probe (OPTP) spectroscopy. 

    To their surprise, the electron cloud cooled faster when the graphene was immersed in water while immersing the graphene in ethanol made no difference to the cooling rate. “This was yet another indication that the water-carbon couple is somehow special, but we still had to understand what exactly was going on,” Kavokine says. A possible explanation was that the hot electrons push and pull on the water molecules to release some of their heat: in other words, they cool through quantum friction. The researchers delved into the theory, and indeed: water-graphene quantum friction could explain the experimental data. 

    "It's fascinating to see that the carrier dynamics of graphene keep surprising us with unexpected mechanisms, this time involving solid-liquid interactions with molecules none other than the omnipresent water," comments Prof Klaas-Jan Tielrooij. What makes water special here is that its vibrations, called hydrons, are in sync with the vibrations of the graphene electrons, called plasmons, so that the graphene-water heat transfer is enhanced through an effect known as resonance. is impressive that quantum phenomena usually occurring in solids appear in what would be considered a classical liquid as water” adds , Senior Lecturer at the University of Swagֱ. 

    The experiments thus confirm the basic mechanism of solid-liquid quantum friction. This will have implications for filtration and desalination processes, in which quantum friction could be used to tune the permeation properties of the nanoporous membranes. “Our findings are not only interesting for physicists, but they also hold potential implications for electrocatalysis and photocatalysis at the solid-liquid interface," says Xiaoqing Yu, PhD student at the Max Planck Institute in Mainz and first author of the work. 

    The discovery was down to bringing together an experimental system, a measurement tool and a theoretical framework that seldom go hand in hand. The key challenge is now to gain control over the water-electron interaction. “Our goal is to be able to switch quantum friction on and off on demand,” Kavokine says. “This way, we could design smarter water filtration processes, or perhaps even fluid-based computers.” 


    Pictured above: Water-graphene quantum friction (Credits: Lucy Reading-Ikkanda / Simons Foundation) 

    Advanced materials is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s research beacons - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships tackling some of the planet's biggest questions. #ResearchBeacons

    Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:53:27 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/6333e2a0-fdb0-4737-9406-fb6a7d383443/500_quantumfriction.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/6333e2a0-fdb0-4737-9406-fb6a7d383443/quantumfriction.jpg?10000
    Two innovative research teams win Royal Society of Chemistry’s prestigious Horizon Prizes /about/news/two-innovative-research-teams-win-royal-society-of-chemistrys-prestigious-horizon-prizes/ /about/news/two-innovative-research-teams-win-royal-society-of-chemistrys-prestigious-horizon-prizes/577027The Enzyme Discovery team won the Chemistry Biology Interface Horizon Prize: Rita and John Cornforth Award, while the Molecular Ratcheteers team won the Organic Chemistry Horizon Prize: Perkin Prize in Physical Organic Chemistry. 

    Two research teams at Swagֱ have won a prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Horizon Prize.

    The Enzyme Discovery team won the Chemistry Biology Interface Horizon Prize: Rita and John Cornforth Award, while the Molecular Ratcheteers team won the Organic Chemistry Horizon Prize: Perkin Prize in Physical Organic Chemistry. 

    The Enzyme Discovery team was recognised for its work investigating enzymes to combat antimicrobial resistance in the developing world. 

    The team, based at the and the at Swagֱ, with collaborators from GlaxoSmithKline, won the accolade for successfully discovering new enzymes for sustainable synthesis.

    Their findings could lead to more affordable medicines, antibiotics that are more resistant to antimicrobial resistance, and even treat previously untreated diseases.  

    Professor Jason Micklefield from the Swagֱ Institute of Biotechnology and the Department of Chemistry at Swagֱ, said: “Our team is acutely aware of the importance of finding more sustainable and efficient routes to new and improved antimicrobials and other important therapeutic agents that are urgently required to combat antimicrobial resistance, treat diseases and tackle future pandemics.  

    “Our research has allowed us to discover and engineer enzymes and pathways for sustainable synthesis, and we look forward to the future applications of our work in providing more parts of the world with increased access to essential medicines and more sustainable routes to commonly used products.”  

    If adopted in industry, the Enzyme Discovery team’s work could lead to more affordable products, including medicines, which could be made more widely available to help combat antimicrobial resistance and other neglected diseases in the developing world. Their work also has the potential to help reduce other problems such as chemical waste. 


    The Molecular Ratcheteers team was recognised for its work in nanotechnology, advancing the building blocks for everything from medicine delivery to information processing.

    Based at the University of Swagֱ, with support from the University of Maine, the University of Luxembourg and East China Normal University, the Molecular Ratcheteers won the accolade for inventing engineering concepts that will help unlock the potential of the nanoworld.

    The work leads to a variety of real-life applications like the creation of new nanomachines such as molecular motors, pumps and switches, that could make improvements in everything from the delivery of medicines to information processing. 

    The group – which brought together minds with specialities in areas such as the physics of information and molecular biology – join a prestigious list of past winners in the RSC’s prize portfolio, 60 of whom have gone on to win Nobel Prizes for their work, including 2022 laureate Carolyn Bertozzi and 2019 laureate, John B Goodenough. 

    Professor Dave Leigh from the Molecular Ratcheteers team at Swagֱ, said: ’s been fantastic to be part of such a talented team on the Molecular Ratcheteers project, and we’re proud to have developed concepts that could truly drive forward engineering in the nanoworld.” 

    Miniaturisation has driven advances in technology through the ages. Early computers filled entire rooms and consumed vast amounts of energy yet had far less computing power than the tiny energy-frugal chips in today’s smartphones.

    Making machinery smaller reduces power requirements, curtails the amounts of materials needed, cuts waste, facilitates recycling and produces faster operating systems. In doing so it advances technological progress while addressing the environmental and sustainability needs of society. 

    Both research teams will also receive a trophy and a professionally produced video to celebrate the work. 

    Dr Helen Pain, Chief Executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: “The Horizon Prizes recognise brilliant teams and collaborations who are opening new directions and possibilities in their field, by combining their diversity of thought, experience and skills, to deliver scientific developments for the benefit of all of us.  

    “The work of the Enzyme Discovery team is a fantastic example of why we celebrate great science; not only because of how they have expanded our understanding of the world around us, but also because of the incredible contribution they make to society as a whole. We are very proud to recognise their work.” 

    The Royal Society of Chemistry’s prizes have recognised excellence in the chemical sciences for more than 150 years. In 2019, the organisation announced the biggest overhaul of this portfolio in its history, designed to better reflect modern scientific work and culture. 

    The Horizon Prizes celebrate the most exciting, contemporary chemical science at the cutting edge of research and innovation.  

    For more information about the Royal Society of Chemistry’s prizes portfolio, visit .

    Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:01:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/927acafc-abf9-4555-8735-3d88dfaa0e18/500_enzymediscovery.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/927acafc-abf9-4555-8735-3d88dfaa0e18/enzymediscovery.jpg?10000
    Swagֱ leading innovation in hydrogen economy /about/news/the-university-of-manchester-leading-innovation-in-hydrogen-economy/ /about/news/the-university-of-manchester-leading-innovation-in-hydrogen-economy/576208A multi-million pound project awarded from the UK Government Department for Energy Security and Net Zero to accelerate the deployment of next-generation cutting-edge low-carbon hydrogen technology.

    Swagֱ will lead an international team to build and demonstrate a new technology to produce syngas and pure hydrogen with nearly zero direct carbon dioxide emissions. 

    , specifically part of the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP), also involves five world-leading industrial partners in the area of engineering for sustainable development: , , , and .

    The RECYCLE project (REthinking low Carbon hYdrogen production by Chemical Looping rEforming) will construct and test a fully integrated innovative hydrogen production pilot unit at Swagֱ. 

    The technology is based on chemical looping reforming using fixed bed reactors which allow modular units and cost-effective solutions for hydrogen production using different feedstocks, with inherent carbon dioxide capture and separation at high purity. 

    The final demonstration is planned for the second half of 2024 in the pilot area of the at Swagֱ.

    James Chadwick Building









    The UK is leading the industrial revolution to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In the recently published , the UK government is expecting to have two gigawatts of low-carbon hydrogen production capacity in operation or construction by 2025 and 10 gigawatts in 2030, subject to affordability and value for money. In this context, the RECYCLE project in Swagֱ represents an opportunity to to show continued innovation in the development of resilient and cost effective solutions for a low carbon future.

    Dr Vincenzo Spallina, Senior Lecturer at Swagֱ and Principal Investigator of the RECYCLE project, said: “The carried out during Phase 1 demonstrated great potential for low carbon hydrogen in the UK market and it has huge implications for several industrial stakeholders. This project will demonstrate its feasibility at a pre-commercial scale to increase awareness of the next steps towards commercial implementation.  

    “The demonstration plant will be installed in the James Chadwick Building where we are currently renovating the existing pilot hall area to establish the for Research and Innovation on sustainable process technologies. Our students will have the fantastic opportunity to see the next-generation hydrogen plant in operation as a unique teaching and learning experience. “

    Professor Alice Larkin, Head of the School of Engineering at Swagֱ, added: “Our University is committed to achieving zero carbon emissions by 2038 as part of its and supported by activity through our  Advanced Materials and Energy research beacons. This collaborative project will boost the prestige of our academic community to secure clean and sustainable development through Science and Innovation in close partnerships with industries."

    Silvian Baltac, Associate Partner and Industrial Decarbonisation lead at Element Energy, an ERM Group company, said: “We are delighted to continue supporting the University of Swagֱ and the RECYCLE Consortium with the Phase II of the project. Element Energy, a leading low-carbon consultancy, will help develop the go-to-market strategy for the RECYCLE technology, as well as support the Consortium with strategic communications and engagement, ensuring learnings from the project are disseminated with industry, academia, and the wider energy sector.”

    Mark Wickham, CEO of HELICAL ENERGY, commented: “Our business is fully committed to achieving zero carbon emissions by 2038, by helping to develop and build neutral and negative carbon emissions technologies. This exciting collaborative project with the University of Swagֱ and industry partners will broaden our knowledge and experience in translational energy and build upon the work we are currently doing with other universities on carbon capture and hydrogen from biogenic fuels. RECYCLE is a fantastic innovative project that will make a significant contribution to carbon neutrality."

    Les Newman, Engineering & Consulting Managing Director at Kent, said: “We are delighted to be part of this cutting-edge project.  It is aligned with Kent’s purpose to be a catalyst for energy transition and an exciting addition to our blue hydrogen project portfolio.  We look forward to working with the University of Swagֱ and the consortium partners to advance the progress of this novel low-carbon hydrogen and carbon capture technology."

    Suzanne Ellis, Innovation Director for Catalyst Technologies at Johnson Matthey, said: “Johnson Matthey works with partners around the world to apply our expertise in synthesis gas, process technology and catalysis to enable a transition to a net zero future. We are delighted to be part of this consortium led by University of Swagֱ, exploring the potential for this promising next generation technology to be moved through to industrial impact, whilst also inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers.”

    Hugues Foucault, CO2 Capture R&D manager from TotalEnergies, said: “TotalEnergies  is supporting R&D in the Chemical Looping Combustion technology and it is involved in the Phase 2 of the RECYCLE project to technically and economically assess this process of blue hydrogen production with inherent carbon dioxide capture."

    Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance Lord Callanan said: “Hydrogen, known as the super fuel of the future, is critical to delivering UK energy security and clean, sustainable growth. 

    “I’m delighted that we have awarded funding to Swagֱ so that they can build and test their first-of-a-kind hydrogen technology. This will generate opportunities for UK businesses to export their expertise around the world whilst supporting our ambition to have amongst the cheapest energy in Europe.”

    The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero provides dedicated leadership focused on delivering security of energy supply, ensuring properly functioning markets, greater energy efficiency and seizing the opportunities of net zero to lead the world in new green industries.

    The funding from the Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 programme comes from the  department’s  £1 billion , which provides funding for low-carbon technologies and systems and aims to decrease the costs of decarbonisation helping enable the UK to end its contribution to climate change.

    Tue, 06 Jun 2023 14:50:54 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_greenerenergycity.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/greenerenergycity.jpg?10000
    A University spin-out fuelling the battery revolution in the UK /about/news/a-university-spin-out-fuelling-the-battery-revolution-in-the-uk/ /about/news/a-university-spin-out-fuelling-the-battery-revolution-in-the-uk/574480For the first time in the UK, scientists have been able to recover commercial grade lithium carbonate and graphite from black mass; a solid black powder containing a complex mixture of metals and impurities recovered from recycling end-of-life lithium-ion batteries. The UK-first is a major step forward for sustainability in battery technology.

    For the first time in the UK, scientists have been able to recover commercial grade lithium carbonate and graphite from black mass; a solid black powder containing a complex mixture of metals and impurities recovered from recycling end-of-life lithium-ion batteries. The UK-first is a major step forward for sustainability in battery technology.

    , founded by University of Swagֱ alumnus, , has recovered commercial grade lithium carbonate and graphite from black mass; a solid black powder containing a complex mixture of metals and impurities recovered from the recycling of end-of-life lithium-ion batteries.

    Conducted in partnership with globally renowned precious metal recovery specialists, , and with access to Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre's (GEIC) world-leading capabilities and the support of its expert facilities team, the test work on 1 kg of black mass validates the Watercycle’s ground-breaking technology. It underpins the major contribution that deep tech university spin outs are playing in championing the UK’s ambitions for the energy transition and the attainment of a circular economy.

    WaterCycle Technologies Ltd. are a Tier 2 partner of the GEIC, the University’s world-class, multi-million-pound engineering centre which provides industry-led development in graphene applications, bringing real-world products to market.

    Watercycle CEO Dr Seb Leaper said, “To most people it is not obvious that one of the main barriers to achieving Net Zero is the availability of critical minerals like lithium. But we must ensure that the means of accessing these minerals is environmentally responsible. This requires sustainable primary production and efficient recycling technology, which is what we are creating at Watercycle. We are proud to be a University of Swagֱ spinout and are proud to be working with two fantastic northern companies in RSBruce and Weardale Lithium who are making the UK’s domestic lithium supply chain possible.” 

    This breakthrough marks the first step forward in commercialising Watercycle’s technology.

    James Baker, CEO of Graphene@Swagֱ, said: “The Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre provides partners within the rapid development and scale-up of R&D, the support to bring real world products to market. In particular, the gives companies like Watercycle Technologies the opportunity to bring innovation and research into the tough world of commercialisation, and to amplify prototypes through the conduction of leading edge benchtop experiments.

    “By supporting partners in this way, we can also support ѲԳٱ’s regional and national competitiveness, in turn attracting world-class businesses and high-quality jobs to the companies we’re helping to commercialise.”

    in collaboration with RSBruce, demonstrating the significant opportunity to recover value-added products from Black Mass processing using Watercycle’s system and both companies are now in the process of finalising a developed pilot plan.

    Corresponding to this phenomenal achievement, the team have found success in producing lithium carbonate from another source, establishing a step further to supporting UK’s ambitions to produce a domestic supply of lithium to power the domestic energy transition, and the UK Government’s goals of achieving net zero.

    At its laboratory in the GEIC, the company applied its proprietary Direct Lithium Extraction & Crystallisation process (DLEC™) to successfully produce lithium carbonate crystals from brines, extracted from Weardale Lithium Limited’s existing geothermal boreholes at Eastgate, in County Durham. 


    Fri, 19 May 2023 14:20:02 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/6296d018-fb7f-4a4d-804d-2015ac77309a/500_ceoofweardalelithiumanddrsepleaper.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/6296d018-fb7f-4a4d-804d-2015ac77309a/ceoofweardalelithiumanddrsepleaper.jpg?10000
    Intelligent membranes with memories make next-generation smart filters /about/news/intelligent-membranes-with-memories-make-next-generation-smart-filters/ /about/news/intelligent-membranes-with-memories-make-next-generation-smart-filters/570223Researchers from the National Graphene Institute (NGI) have made 'intelligent' membranes whose 'memory' can be used in areas like smart separation technology, wound management, drug delivery, sensors and memory devices.

    Researchers from the National Graphene Institute (NGI) have made 'intelligent' membranes whose 'memory' can be used in areas like smart separation technology, wound management, drug delivery, sensors and memory devices.

    "The history of membrane development spans more than 100 years and has led to a revolution in industrial separation processes," says Professor Rahul Raveendran Nair, Carlsberg/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair and study team leader. "In recent years, there has been some effort towards making membranes that mimic biological structures, particularly their ‘intelligent’ characteristics."

    Now, in research published today in , scientists explain how they have developed intelligent membranes that can alter their properties depending on the environment and remember how permeable they were before. This means the membranes can adapt to different conditions in their environment and, more importantly, memorise their state, a feature which can be exploited in many different applications.

     A phenomenon known as hysteresis is the most common expression of memory or intelligence in a material. It refers to the situation where a system's current properties are dependent and related to its previous state. Hysteresis is commonly observed in magnetic materials. For example, a magnet may have more than one possible magnetic moment in each magnetic field depending on the field the magnet was subjected to in the past. Hysteresis is rarely seen, however, in molecular transport through artificial membranes.

    "Coming up with simple and effective clean water solutions is one of our greatest global challenges. This study shows that fundamental molecular level insights and nanoscale materials offer great potential for the development of 'smart' membranes for water purification and other applications," said Professor Angelos Michaelides of the University of Cambridge.

    In this work, the Swagֱ team in collaboration with scientists from University of Cambridge, Xiamen University, Dalian University of Technology, University of York, and National University of Singapore has developed intelligent membranes based on MoS2 (a two-dimensional material called molybdenum disulphide) that can remember how permeable they were before. The researchers have shown that the way ions and water infiltrate the membranes can be regulated by controlling the external pH.

    The membranes mimic the function of biological cell membranes and display hysteretic ion and water transport behaviour in response to the pH, which means they remember what pH they were exposed to before. “The memory effects we have seen are unique to these membranes and have never been observed before in any inorganic membranes,” said co-first author Dr Amritroop Achari of the University of Swagֱ.

    The researchers demonstrated that the biomimetic effect could be used to improve autonomous wound infection sensing. To do this, they placed the membranes in artificial wound exudate, which simulates the liquid produced by wounds, and subjected them to changes in pH. The membranes only allowed permeation of the wound exudate at pH levels relevant to an infected wound, thus allowing them to be used as sensors for infection detection. The researchers say the new membranes can also be used in a host of other pH-dependent applications, from nanofiltration to mimicking the function of neuronal cells.

    Co-author Professor Kostya Novoselov, Langworthy Professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Swagֱ and a professor at the Centre for Advanced 2D Materials, National University of Singapore said, “The uniqueness in this membrane is that its hysteretic pH response can be seen as a memory function, which opens a lot of interesting avenues for the creation of smart membranes and other structures. Research in this direction can play a pivotal role in the design of intelligent technologies for tomorrow.”


    Pictured above: Artist's view of intelligent membranes with memory effects, courtesy R.Nair

    Advanced materials is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s research beacons - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships tackling some of the planet's biggest questions. #ResearchBeacons

    Wed, 19 Apr 2023 17:36:01 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/38ba53a8-5723-4f37-9d39-5ddb51fe7307/500_16-9.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/38ba53a8-5723-4f37-9d39-5ddb51fe7307/16-9.jpg?10000
    Wonder material graphene claims yet another superlative /about/news/wonder-material-graphene-claims-yet-another-superlative/ /about/news/wonder-material-graphene-claims-yet-another-superlative/569386In a paper published in Nature this week (13 Apr 2023), researchers from Swagֱ report record-high magnetoresistance that appears in graphene under ambient conditions.

    In a paper published in  this week (13 Apr 2023), researchers from Swagֱ report record-high magnetoresistance that appears in under ambient conditions.

    Materials that strongly change their resistivity under magnetic fields are highly sought for various applications and, for example, every car and every computer contain many tiny magnetic sensors. Such materials are rare, and most metals and semiconductors change their electrical resistivity only by a tiny fraction of a percent at room temperature and in practically viable magnetic fields (typically, by less than a millionth of 1 %). To observe a strong magnetoresistance response, researchers usually cool materials to liquid-helium temperatures so that electrons inside scatter less and can follow cyclotron trajectories.  

    Now a research team led by Professor Sir Andre Geim has found that good old graphene that seemed to be studied in every detail over the last two decade exhibits a remarkably strong response, reaching above 100% in magnetic fields of standard permanent magnets (of about 1,000 Gauss). This is a record magnetoresistivity among all the known materials.

    Speaking about this latest graphene discovery, Sir Andre Geim said: “People working on graphene like myself always felt that this gold mine of physics should have been exhausted long ago. The material continuously proves us wrong finding yet another incarnation. Today I have to admit again that graphene is dead, long live graphene.”

    To achieve this, the researchers used high-quality graphene and tuned it to its intrinsic, virgin state where there were only charge carriers excited by temperature. This created a plasma of fast-moving “Dirac fermions” that exhibited a surprisingly high mobility despite frequent scattering. Both high mobility and neutrality of this Dirac plasma are crucial components for the reported giant magnetoresistance.

    “Over the last 10 years, electronic quality of graphene devices has improved dramatically, and everyone seems to focus on finding new phenomena at low, liquid-helium temperatures, ignoring what happens under ambient conditions. This is perhaps not so surprising because the cooler your sample the more interesting its behaviour usually becomes. We decided to turn the heat up and unexpectedly a whole wealth of unexpected phenomena turned up”, says Dr Alexey Berdyugin, the corresponding authors of the paper.

    In addition to the record magnetoresistivity, the researchers have also found that, at elevated temperatures, neutral graphene becomes a so-called “strange metal”. This is the name given to materials where electron scattering becomes ultimately fast, being determined only by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The behaviour of strange metals is poorly understood and remains a mystery currently under investigation worldwide.

    The Swagֱ work adds some more mystery to the field by showing that graphene exhibits a giant linear magnetoresistance in fields above a few Tesla, which is weakly temperature dependent. This high-field magnetoresistance is again record-breaking.

    The phenomenon of linear magnetoresistance has remained an enigma for more than a century since it was first observed. The current Swagֱ work provides important clues about origins of the strange metal behaviour and of the linear magnetoresistance. Perhaps, the mysteries can now be finally solved thanks to graphene as it represents a clean, well-characterised and relatively simple electronic system.

    “Undoped high-quality graphene at room temperature offers an opportunity to explore an entirely new regime that in principle could be discovered even a decade ago but somehow was overlooked by everyone. We plan to study this strange-metal regime and, surely, more of interesting results, phenomena and applications will follow”, adds Dr Leonid Ponomarenko, from Lancaster University and one of the leading Nature paper authors.

    Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_graphene.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/graphene.jpeg?10000
    Swagֱ spin-out signs $1 billion game-changing deal to help tackle global sustainability challenges /about/news/manchester-spin-out-signs-1billion-game-changing-deal-to-help-tackle-global-sustainability-challenges/ /about/news/manchester-spin-out-signs-1billion-game-changing-deal-to-help-tackle-global-sustainability-challenges/569240A spin-out company from the graphene innovation ecosystem at Swagֱ has formed an international partnership that will spearhead an unprecedented scale-up of graphene-based technologies intended “to make a substantial impact on global CO2 𳾾DzԲ”.

    A spin-out company from the innovation ecosystem at Swagֱ has formed an international partnership that will spearhead an unprecedented scale-up of graphene-based technologies intended “to make a substantial impact on global CO2 𳾾DzԲ”.     

    UK-based Graphene Innovations Swagֱ Ltd (GIM), founded by University graduate Dr Vivek Koncherry, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with to create a new company in the UAE.

    This exciting UK-UAE partnership - which highlights potential opportunity for UK innovators to access global investment and international markets and supply chains - will be one of the most ambitious projects to date to commercialise graphene as it fast-tracks cutting-edge R&D into large-scale manufacture – an investment vision worth a total of $1billion.

    This new venture will develop and produce premium, environmentally-friendly products using advanced 2D materials, including breakthrough graphene-enhanced concrete that does not need cement or water and can be made using recycled materials.

    Dr Vivek Koncherry, CEO of Graphene Innovations Swagֱ, based in ѲԳٱ’s (GEIC), said: "We are proud to be associated with Quazar so that we can assemble a powerful world-class team to provide us the opportunity to massively deploy our graphene-based technologies.”

    Waleed Al Ali, CEO of Quazar, who will be active in helping bring the new company to successful, large-scale commercialisation, said: "The new graphene company will take a global lead in making environmentally friendly concrete and other products. We are glad that Quazar can play an active role in helping fulfil the UAE's His Highness Sheikh Saeed Bin Hamdan Bin Mohamed Al Nahyan's support for the UAE Vision 2030”.

    James Baker, CEO of Graphene@Swagֱ, added: “This agreement with our GEIC partner Graphene Innovations Swagֱ and Quazar is a seminal moment for the commercialisation of graphene as it demonstrates huge confidence in the potential for this advanced material to help lead our transition into a net zero world.

    is also a very proud moment for the Graphene@Swagֱ community as it confirms that our innovation ecosystem is providing exactly the right platform to nurture pioneering R&D into graphene and other 2D materials that is world-class.

    “Swagֱ is known as the ‘home of graphene’ – but increasingly, it’s also being recognised as the home to its commercialisation potential. We are therefore able to form international partnerships, such as those in the UAE, based on this reputation; and from this position of strength we can place our city-region and the UK more generally into graphene’s global economy.

    “As Greater Swagֱ further develops its innovation and manufacturing potential – all underpinned with the University’s leadership in advanced materials - this city-regional will have great opportunities with access to international supply chains, foreign investment and global markets.”       

    As part of this ambition a new ‘Sustainable Materials Translational Research Centre’ is set to be created by the multi-million pound Greater Swagֱ Innovation Accelerator programme. The new centre is a partnership with the University’s, the, the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, and Rochdale Development Agency, and aims to connect local businesses to national opportunities, all underpinned with outstanding materials research.

    The scheme is linked  to the zone and a said “… Swagֱ's expertise in material science” could potentially support a northern economic powerhouse.

    Furthermore, the graphene innovation ecosystem at Swagֱ has recently been cited as an exemplar in attracting inward investment into the local regional economy – and therefore helping to boost the UK’s ‘levelling up’ agenda. The spotlight comes in a report entitled,   published by universities think-tank the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI).

    A strategic partnerships that is highlighted is the ambitious agreement between the University and Abu Dhabi-based Khalifa University of Science and Technology which aims to deliver a funding boost for graphene innovation to develop new sustainable technologies. Attracting international funding to the North-West is also helping the UK government level-up R&D spending across the nation.

    Tue, 11 Apr 2023 13:18:12 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/eb4633a2-aad7-4159-ad47-74a272e22bb7/500_gim-quazarsigning.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/eb4633a2-aad7-4159-ad47-74a272e22bb7/gim-quazarsigning.jpg?10000
    Swagֱ partners with National Grid to progress three net zero innovation projects /about/news/manchester-partners-with-national-grid-to-progress-three-net-zero-innovation-projects/ /about/news/manchester-partners-with-national-grid-to-progress-three-net-zero-innovation-projects/568664Swagֱ is a partner in three projects, to be delivered by National Grid, as part of the second ‘discovery’ phase of Ofgem’s (SIF) programme.

    Swagֱ is a partner in three projects, to be delivered by National Grid, as part of the second ‘discovery’ phase of Ofgem’s (SIF) programme. 

    The ambitious innovation projects will provide critical insight and research to help inform the future development of a net zero energy system at the same time as delivering significant benefits to consumers. 

    National Grid Electricity Transmission has been awarded £396,000 to fund the following projects, in which Swagֱ will be playing a vital role: 

    • Superconductor OHLs: This project will investigate technology to increase power flow capability on existing overhead lines. Novel high temperature superconductor (HTS) technology could be implemented on existing lines, increasing power flow capability up to ten-fold at the same voltage level.  
    • SF6 replacement strategy: Development of a long-term strategy to expedite the efficient rollout of SF6 replacements and remove the gas from the network at minimum cost to the consumer, with new builds and retro filling options considered across different asset profiles.  
    • WELLNESS: A project to assess whole energy system resilience and develop a framework suited to the energy transition whilst protecting consumers – ensuring the network is reliable to known and credible threats, but also resilient to less frequent but more extreme disasters.  

    Dr Vidyadhar Peesapati at Swagֱ said: “The SIF programme provides a unique opportunity for us to continue our engagement with National Grid, in evaluating and de-risking a range innovations and solutions that will expedite the transition to net zero.” 

    Nicola Todd, Head of Strategy and Innovation at National Grid Electricity Transmission, added: ’s great to see National Grid leading the way with the sort of ambitious thinking needed to tackle some of the biggest challenges in energy. This funding will help drive progress on a raft of innovative projects, from new technologies to boost network capacity, to how we reduce our dependency on the greenhouse gas SF6

    “Work on these initiatives is helping to shape the future of Britain’s energy networks and accelerating the transition to net zero, at lowest cost to consumers.” 

    At Swagֱ, our energy experts are committed to delivering an equitable and prosperous net zero energy future. By matching science and engineering, with social science, economics, politics and arts, the University’s community of 600+ experts address the entire lifecycle of each energy challenge, creating innovative and enduring solutions to make a difference to the lives of people around the globe. This enables the university’s research community to develop pathways to ensure a low carbon energy transition that will also drive jobs, prosperity, resilience and equality. 

    Full details of the funding for Ofgem’s SIF scheme, which is managed in partnership with Innovate UK, can be found on its website at:  

    Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:01:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3c7cb00b-e5ce-4ec4-b837-fb99d0de157e/500_shutterstock-2176504575.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3c7cb00b-e5ce-4ec4-b837-fb99d0de157e/shutterstock-2176504575.jpg?10000
    National Grid and University of Swagֱ pilot drone-mounted electric field sensors for pylon inspections /about/news/national-grid-and-university-of-manchester-pilot-drone-mounted-electric-field-sensors-for-pylon-inspections/ /about/news/national-grid-and-university-of-manchester-pilot-drone-mounted-electric-field-sensors-for-pylon-inspections/565397National Grid and Swagֱ are working together to develop a new drone-mountable system that will allow live inspections of overhead transmission line insulators using electric field (e-field) sensor technology.

  • Innovative tech to analyse high voltage overhead line insulators’ e-field for defects.
  • Project aims to engineer drone-mountable system to carry out inspections.
  • Cost savings could be in the region of £2.8 million versus traditional methods.
  • National Grid and Swagֱ are working together to develop a new drone-mountable system that will allow live inspections of overhead transmission line insulators using electric field (e-field) sensor technology.

    The three-year, £1.1 million innovation project, funded by Ofgem’s Network Innovation Allowance (NIA), aims to deliver an airborne system that can carry out real-time monitoring of the condition of high voltage insulators, which could save time and cost compared with traditional ground patrols.

    Insulators are often made of glass or ceramic, and protect pylons from the current on the power line to prevent the tower becoming live. They produce electric fields when in operation which have distinct profiles, which are altered by defects on the insulator.

    A purpose built electric field sensor system could be flown by drone near to a pylon to analyse insulators’ e-field profiles and assess their health, without the need for circuit outages, lineworkers scaling pylons, or insulator samples being sent for forensic analysis.

    It’s estimated the initiative could save £2.8 million over a 15 year period through cost and resource efficiencies in transmission network monitoring.

    The technology will be developed and tested in The University of ѲԳٱ’s High Voltage Laboratory, which is equipped with facilities that can test up to 600kV DC, 800kV AC and 2MV impulse, and has been the testbed for developing pioneering solutions such as .

    ѲԳٱ’s research will be led by Dr Vidyadhar Peesapati, Sinisa Durovic and of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and of the Department of .

    As well as optimising the sensor hardware, the project will create digital twins for a range of insulators to define electric field profiles under different conditions, design algorithms to best assess insulators’ condition, and will re-engineer and miniaturise the tech into a drone-mountable system.

    One challenge the project is aiming to overcome is to develop an algorithm to assess insulators’ condition while distinguishing between the effects that pollution and certain failure modes can also have on the electric field.

    The project follows a separate NIA-funded project in which National Grid is for visual monitoring of pylons and overhead lines – enabling detailed close-quarter data and imagery of equipment to be captured quickly and sent wirelessly for processing.

    Nicola Todd, head of strategy and innovation and National Grid Electricity Transmission, said: “We’re increasingly using drones as part of our activities monitoring the condition of our transmission network, and innovations like this e-field sensing system mean there are even more exciting ways that drones could support us in keeping the grid reliable and safe in the future.

    “We look forward to working with ѲԳٱ’s experts and test facilities to develop new monitoring tech that will help us keep the network in good health while saving consumers money.”

    Dr from Swagֱ said: “With demand increasing, we need to maximise the resilience of overhead lines, the spine of UK electricity. The ambition of this project helps us address this challenge while moving the UK one step further towards a low carbon future that that ensures reliability and value for the consumer.”

    Since 2018, National Grid has invested around £5 billion to upgrade, adapt and maintain the electricity transmission network. It plans to spend £9 billion on the network in the five years to 2026, with further multibillion-pound investments beyond that to 2030 to deliver an affordable, resilient and clean energy system.

    Tue, 21 Mar 2023 09:22:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/9556a9d2-fdeb-4423-90ea-b11241384014/500_natgrid-deeside-290916-4524.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/9556a9d2-fdeb-4423-90ea-b11241384014/natgrid-deeside-290916-4524.jpg?10000
    Nanorippled graphene becomes a catalyst /about/news/nanorippled-graphene-becomes-a-catalyst/ /about/news/nanorippled-graphene-becomes-a-catalyst/564560A team of researchers led by Prof. Andre Geim from the National Graphene Institute (NGI) have discovered that nanoripples in graphene can make it a strong catalyst, contrary to general expectations that the carbon sheet is as chemically inert as the bulk graphite from which it is obtained.

    A team of researchers led by Prof. Andre Geim from the National Graphene Institute (NGI) have discovered that nanoripples in graphene can make it a strong catalyst, contrary to general expectations that the carbon sheet is as chemically inert as the bulk graphite from which it is obtained.

    in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the research has shown that graphene with nanoscale corrugations of its surface can accelerate hydrogen splitting as well as the best metallic-based catalysts. This unexpected effect is likely to be present in all two-dimensional materials, which are all inherently non-flat.

    The Swagֱ team in collaboration with researchers from China and USA conducted a series of experiments to show that non-flatness of graphene makes it a strong catalyst. First, using ultrasensitive gas flow measurements and Raman spectroscopy, they demonstrated that graphene’s nanoscale corrugations were linked to its chemical reactivity with molecular hydrogen (H2) and that the activation energy for its dissociation into atomic hydrogen (H) was relatively small.

    The team evaluated whether this reactivity is enough to make the material an efficient catalyst. To this end, the researchers used a mixture of hydrogen and deuterium (D2) gases and found that graphene indeed behaved as a powerful catalyst, converting H2 and D2 into HD. This was in stark contrast to the behaviour of graphite and other carbon-based materials under the same conditions. The gas analyses revealed that the amount of HD generated by monolayer graphene was approximately the same as for the known hydrogen catalysts, such as zirconia, magnesium oxide and copper, but graphene was required only in tiny quantities, less than 100 times of the latter catalysts.

    “Our paper shows that freestanding graphene is quite different from both graphite and atomically flat graphene that are chemically extremely inert. We have also proved that nanoscale corrugations are more important for catalysis than the ‘usual suspects’ such as vacancies, edges and other defects on graphene’s surface” said Dr Pengzhan Sun, first author of the paper.

    Lead author of the paper Prof. Geim added, “As nanorippling naturally occurs in all atomically thin crystals, because of thermal fluctuations and unavoidable local mechanical strain, other 2D materials may also show similarly enhanced reactivity. As for graphene, we can certainly expect it to be catalytically and chemically active in other reactions, not only those involving hydrogen.”

    “2D materials are most often perceived as atomically flat sheets, and effects caused by unavoidable nanoscale corrugations have so far been overlooked. Our work shows that those effects can be dramatic, which has important implications for the use of 2D materials. For example, bulk molybdenum sulphide and other chalcogenides are often employed as 3D catalysts. Now we should wonder if they could be even more active in their 2D form”.

    Advanced materials is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s research beacons - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships tackling some of the planet's biggest questions. #ResearchBeacons

    Tue, 14 Mar 2023 10:23:43 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/8fa84cc2-a4b9-464f-8be1-adfba980b495/500_rippledgraphenewithdissociatedhydrogenatomsontop.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/8fa84cc2-a4b9-464f-8be1-adfba980b495/rippledgraphenewithdissociatedhydrogenatomsontop.jpg?10000
    Aoife Taylor: from PhD to CEO /about/news/aoife-taylor-from-phd-to-ceo/ /about/news/aoife-taylor-from-phd-to-ceo/563893Three years ago Aoife was a PhD student in the Swagֱ Institute of Biotechnology, now she is the CEO of a STEM startup. We caught up with her to find out more about becoming a businesswoman.Biotechnology is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s research beacons – exemplars of interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that lead to pioneering discoveries and improve the lives of people around the world. For more information, head to The University of ѲԳٱ’s Biotechnology page.

    When we last sat down with Aoife Taylor she told us about her experiences of being a woman in STEM, what it was like carrying out a PhD during the pandemic and how she tackled her impostor syndrome. Now she is the CEO of , a startup that has its roots in the MIB,  and that is producing a sustainable alternative to ceramic tiles. We thought it would be an good time to catch up with her and find out more about her new role.

    Enna: Hi Aoife, nice to see you again, it’s been a while! And so much has changed since we last spoke. Can you tell me a bit about what you’re up to now?

    Aoife: Sure! And yes, so much has changed. I’ve handed in my PhD thesis and I’m now working full time at DeakinBio as their CEO. It’s quite a nice change from before as I’m now on the business side of things rather than the science side.

    E: Nice! So how did you make that transition from PhD to CEO? From scientist to businesswoman?

    A: So weirdly it started with an art-science collaboration. I went along to a exhibition, really loved what they were doing and wanted to get involved. Aled was already working with them using his materials so I decided to join his team along with Sunny (artist) and Helen (scientist). We started to investigate adding chlorophyll because I was studying a chlorophyll pre-cursor as part of my PhD and I was making interesting hues of green and blue when synthesising it. So, we started experimenting with spinach! Eventually we got to algae which we found made the composite a really attractive colour. It also happened that the algae improved its strength too, so it had a practical application we weren’t expecting.

    We thought about other additives that might improve the properties of the material and graphene was one of them. So, we entered the Eli Harari competition to see if this was an idea worth pursuing. We won the first prize (£50,000) and that really gave us the means to do some serious material investigation! After that we were able to secure a number of other grants and have been working at the under the Bridging the Gap scheme. Being at the GEIC is great because it's a start-up hub and everyone is happy to help each other out.

    E: That’s amazing! What’s it like being on the business side of things rather than the science side?

    A: I love it, it’s a really great opportunity to expand my horizons and after my PhD I was fed up with being in the lab. I’ve also found that I feel more confident in this role and setbacks don’t knock me like they used to. So, for example, when I was doing my PhD, it would really knock my confidence if I didn’t get the results I wanted and I hated presenting my work to people. But with this I’m happy to get up and show off what we’re doing and even if we get setbacks like not getting a grant, it doesn’t worry me as that’s just part and parcel of it isn’t it?

    E: That’s great to hear! So, had you had any business training before taking on this role? Or has it been provided on the job?

    A: I’d never had any formal training in terms of courses or anything like that, but I have taken part in quite a few competitions and events that are aimed at developing business skills in scientists. The University has actually been really great at providing those kinds of opportunities so obviously I took part in as many as I could find! One of the most helpful ones was BiotechYes, it’s a competition where you come up with an imaginary business, a product, and then put together a pitch deck and present it to the rest of the group. As you’re doing that you get support and feedback from businesspeople, it was a really useful learning experience. One of the things I learned that was particularly helpful was how to present a business case (asking for money), which is very different from how you’d present your research findings.

    E: So, last time we talked we touched on your feelings of impostor syndrome. How do you manage that now? Is it better now that you’re in a role you feel comfortable in?

    A: So, I definitely still have it, but I don’t struggle with it in the same way I did while I was doing my PhD. I find it much easier to rationalise the little problems and work my way through them rather than going into self-destruct mode. I’m also comforted by the fact that many start-up CEOs start with no experience, so I’m not alone on that front!

    E: How do you find female representation now you’re on the business side of things? We spoke about this last time; do you think representation has got better?

    A: All of our advisors are men and I don’t work directly with any female business leaders. There are women around but they’re always super busy, so I guess that impacts on their ability to offer mentorship. But I have been to some events where there have been women-led panels and there’s schemes for women where they take you through important business skills or topics. They’re all really helpful.

    E: Do you find people interact with you differently because you’re a woman in a traditionally male-led field?

    A: Yeah, I think sometimes. I am conscious though that most of the people we interact with on a business-front are men, potential investors, mentors and the like. I am interested to see if they’ll treat me differently because of my gender. But, so far, it hasn’t been a big problem which is nice! And actually, our team is evenly split, and the men in our team are very supportive so there’s no friction there.

    E: And what do you think the future holds for you?

    A: I’d love to see us grow and DeakinBIO turn into something great. Hopefully we’ll get some investors and we’ll be able to go to market. If not, then at least I’ve learned business skills, and I can look for similar opportunities elsewhere. But I really believe in our product and that we can do some good in the world. So I’m going to learn, practice, iterate and try my best to make this work!

    Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:47:15 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/2abe6b4e-3bfc-4d26-a5fa-629070ebb1df/500_aoife-erb0390-erb.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/2abe6b4e-3bfc-4d26-a5fa-629070ebb1df/aoife-erb0390-erb.jpg?10000
    Scientists develop graphene aerogel particles for efficient water purification /about/news/scientists-develop-graphene-aerogel-particles-for-efficient-water-purification/ /about/news/scientists-develop-graphene-aerogel-particles-for-efficient-water-purification/557853Writing in the , a team led by based in the (NGI) have produced 3-dimensional particles made of graphene, of many interesting shapes, using a variation of the vortex ring effect. The same effect is used to produce smoke rings and is responsible for keeping dandelion seeds flying. These particles have also been shown to be exceptionally efficient in adsorbing contaminants from water, thereby purifying it.

    Writing in the , a team led by based in the (NGI) have produced 3-dimensional particles made of graphene, of many interesting shapes, using a variation of the vortex ring effect. The same effect is used to produce smoke rings and is responsible for keeping dandelion seeds flying. These particles have also been shown to be exceptionally efficient in adsorbing contaminants from water, thereby purifying it.Prof Aravind Vijayaraghavan

    The researchers have shown that the formation of these graphene particles is governed by a complex interplay between different forces such as viscosity, surface tension, inertia and electrostatics. Prof Vijayaraghavan said: “We have undertaken a systematic study to understand and explain the influence of various parameters and forces involved in the particle formation. Then, by tailoring this process, we have developed very efficient particles for adsorptive purification of contaminants from water”.

    Graphene oxide (GO), a functionalised form of graphene which forms a stable dispersion in water, has many unique properties, including being a liquid crystal. Individual GO sheets are one atom thin, and as wide as the thickness of human hair. However, to be useful, they need to be assembled into complex 3-dimensional shapes which preserves their high surface area and surface chemistry. Such porous 3-dimensional assemblies of GO are called aerogels, and when filled with water, they are called hydrogels.

    The researchers used a second liquid crystal material called CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide), to aggregate GO flakes into small particles of graphene oxide hydrogels, without needing to reduce them to graphene. This was achieved by dropping the GO dispersion in water in the form of small droplets into a solution of CTAB in water. When the GO droplets hit the surface of the CTAB solution, they behave very similarly to when a jet of hot smoke hits cold air. The GO drop flows into the CTAB solution in the form of a ring, or toroid, because of differences in the density and surface tension of the two liquids. 

    By controlling various parameters of this process, the researchers have produced particles in the shape of spheres (balls), toroids (donuts) and intermediate shapes that resemble jellyfish. Dr Yizhen Shao, a recently graduated PhD student and lead author of this paper, said: “we have developed a universal phase diagram for the formation of these shapes, based on four dimensionless numbers – the weber, Reynolds, Onhesorge and Weber numbers, representing the inertial, viscous, surface tension and electrostatic forces respectively. This can be used to accurately control the particle morphology by varying the formation parameters.”

    The authors highlight the significance of these particles in water purification. Kaiwen Nie, a PhD student and co-author of the paper, said: “We can tune the surface chemistry of the graphene flakes in these particles to extract positively or negatively charged contaminants from water. We can even extract uncharged contaminants or heavy metal ions by appropriately functionalising the graphene surface.”


    Thu, 09 Feb 2023 15:10:02 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_grapheneaerogelparticles.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/grapheneaerogelparticles.jpg?10000
    Swagֱ leads UK project to assess BECCS’ future role in the NW industrial cluster /about/news/manchester-leads-uk-project-to-assess-beccs-future-role-in-the-nw-industrial-cluster/ /about/news/manchester-leads-uk-project-to-assess-beccs-future-role-in-the-nw-industrial-cluster/557694University of Swagֱ researchers are to undertake a project to inform the future of bioenergy and carbon capture and storage (BECCS) in a project commissioned by the Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC).

    University of Swagֱ researchers are to undertake a project to inform the future of bioenergy and carbon capture and storage (BECCS) in a project commissioned by the Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC).

    As industrial decarbonisation progresses, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure comes online, the wider role of the regional clusters in delivering net zero will come into sharper focus, including the potential to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

    ‘Integrated Assessment of BECCS in context: environmental, policy, regulatory and social factors’, a cross disciplinary research project led by from Tyndall Swagֱ will look at potential BECCS facilities within the North West industrial cluster. Effective use of BECCS depends on a better understanding of many factors across its complex supply chains. This project will ask: what configurations minimise the emissions associated with transporting biomass, CO2 and energy along the supply chain?; what are the policy gaps and uncertainties associated with deploying, regulating and governing BECCS?; and how do local communities view the development of BECCS in their region?

    The research will be conducted through a combination of linked desk-based and empirical methods which will bring together spatial modelling, carbon accounting, policy mapping, interviews with stakeholders and a community workshop.

    Dr Clair Gough, Senior Research Fellow at Tyndall Swagֱ, explained: “This project is all about mapping the non-technical challenges to BECCS deployment. By taking a systems-based approach and looking at environmental, policy, regulatory and social factors, this project will identify obstacles, and help pinpoint the solutions for BECCS to play its part in reaching Net Zero in the UK.”

    Prof Benjamin K. Sovacool, Research Co-Director IDRIC, University of Sussex: “If we want to achieve near term BECCS deployment, we need to better understand the variables that will affect successful deployment. We need to assess the key social, economic and policy aspects that will determine its realistic impact and Clair’s team will build on the research from Wave 1, and help us understand BECCS in the round.”

    This project is one of 20 that will be supported as part of IDRIC’s Wave 2 £6million funding to accelerate decarbonisation of industry. Designed to aid industrial decarbonisation in Scotland, Northwest England, Teesside, Solent, Black Country, Humber, and South Wales, this second wave will fund 20 projects across 14 institutions covering a wide range of technological, environmental, economic, skills and social aspects of decarbonisation.

    ѲԳٱ’s , has also been awarded funding by IDRIC’s second wave. Working in collaboration with BGS, Heriot-Watt University and Centrica, she will explore hydrogen storage near industrial clusters using porous rock storage with research in the Humber, Northwest, South Wales and Teesside.

    At Swagֱ, our energy experts are committed to delivering an equitable and prosperous net zero energy future. By matching science and engineering, with social science, economics, politics and arts, the University’s community of 600+ experts address the entire lifecycle of each energy challenge, creating innovative and enduring solutions to make a difference to the lives of people around the globe. This enables the university’s research community to develop pathways to ensure a low carbon energy transition that will also drive jobs, prosperity, resilience and equality.

    Wed, 08 Feb 2023 11:12:13 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_giant-gaspipes-pipelines-inside-refinery-450w-219516835.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/giant-gaspipes-pipelines-inside-refinery-450w-219516835.jpg?10000
    Graphene researchers discover long-term memory in 2D nanofluidic channels /about/news/graphene-researchers-discover-long-term-memory-in-2d-nanofluidic-channels/ /about/news/graphene-researchers-discover-long-term-memory-in-2d-nanofluidic-channels/555945Published in , a collaboration between teams from the National Graphene Institute at Swagֱ, and the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, demonstrated the Hebbian learning in artificial nanochannels, where the channels showed short and long term memory. 

    Published in , a collaboration between teams from the (NGI) at Swagֱ, and the (ENS), Paris, demonstrated the Hebbian learning in artificial nanochannels, where the channels showed short and long term memory. Hebbian learning is a technical term introduced in 1949 by Donald Hebb, describing the process of learning by repetitively doing an action.

    Hebbian learning is a well-known learning mechanism, it is the process when we ‘get used’ to doing an action. Similar to what occurs in neural networks, the researchers were able to show the existence of memory in two-dimensional channels which are similar to atomic-scale tunnels with heights varying from several nanometers down to angstroms (10-10 m). This was done using simple salts (including table salt) dissolved in water flowing through nanochannels and by the application of voltage (< 1 V) scans/pulses.

    The study spotlights the importance of the recent development of ultrathin nanochannels. Two types of nanochannels were used in this study. The ‘pristine channels’ were from the Swagֱ team led by , which are obtained by the assembly of 2D layers of MoS2. These channels have little surface charge and are atomically smooth. ’s group at ENS developed the ‘activated channels’, these have high surface charge and are obtained by electron beam etching of graphite.

    An important difference between solid-state and biological memories is that the former works by electrons, while the latter have ionic flows central to their functioning. While solid-state silicon or metal oxide based ‘memory devices’ that can ‘learn’ have long been developed, this is an important first demonstration of ‘learning’ by simple ionic solutions and low voltages. “The memory effects in nanochannels could have future use in developing nanofluidic computers, logic circuits, and in mimicking biological neuron synapses with artificial nanochannels”, said co-lead author Prof. Lyderic Bocquet.

    Swagֱ group-RBCo-lead author Prof. Radha Boya, added that “the nanochannels were able to memorise the previous voltage applied to them and their conductance depends on their history of the voltage application.” This means the previous voltage history can increase (potentiate in terms of synaptic activity) or decrease (depress) the conduction of the nanochannel. Dr Abdulghani Ismail from the National Graphene Institute and co-first author of the research said, “We were able to show two types of memory effects behind which there are two different mechanisms. The existence of each memory type would depend on the experimental conditions (channel type, salt type, salt concentration, etc.).” 

    Paul Robin from ENS and co-first author of the paper added, “the mechanism behind memory in ‘pristine MoS2 channels’ is the transformation of non-conductive ion couples to a conductive ion polyelectrolyte, whereas for ‘activated channels’ the adsorption/desorption of cations (the positive ions of the salt) on the channel’s wall led to the memory effect.” 

    Co-authors: Prof Lyderic Bocquet, Paul Robin, Dr Theo Emmerich (from Laboratoire de Physique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris)

    Dr Theo Emmerich from ENS and co-first author of the article also commented, “our nanofluidic memristor is more similar to the biological memory when compared to the solid-state memristors”. This discovery could have futuristic applications, from low-power nanofluidic computers to neuromorphic applications.


    Advanced materials is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s research beacons - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships tackling some of the planet's biggest questions. #ResearchBeacons

    Wed, 25 Jan 2023 14:50:45 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_toc-19jan23-rboya.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/toc-19jan23-rboya.jpg?10000
    Swagֱ spin-out that looks to revolutionise water filtration gets £500,000 funding boost /about/news/manchester-spin-out-that-looks-to-revolutionise-water-filtration-gets-500000-funding-boost/ /about/news/manchester-spin-out-that-looks-to-revolutionise-water-filtration-gets-500000-funding-boost/554225, a spin-out company based at Swagֱ that is developing a breakthrough water filtration technology, which promises to be both greener and cheaper, has secured SEED equity investment of £500,000 to help scale-up.

    A spin-out company based at Swagֱ that is developing a breakthrough water filtration technology, which promises to be both greener and cheaper, has secured SEED equity investment of £500,000 to help scale up.   

    , with its mission to enable cleaner water supplies for the world's growing demand, has developed an energy-efficient and highly versatile membrane coating based around a material called modified molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) to create an innovative water filtration solution.  

    The technology comes from research led by  and , at Swagֱ, working in partnership with innovation experts at the University’s (GEIC).  

    This team has used a two-dimensional version of MoS2, part of which is a natural crystal with physical properties that are complementary to those of , the world’s first 2D material, originally isolated at Swagֱ. 

    Molymem and its filtration application has been awarded an investment funding package of £500,400. Among the private sector investors are , Swagֱ Angels and NorthInvest.

    Ray Gibbs, Chairman and Director at Molymem, said this new funding would enable the company to scale up and deliver on its mission. He said: “New 2D materials for membranes are needed to improve sustainability, accessibility and tackle one of the world’s greatest problems – delivering clean fresh water for all.”

    “The application of 2D advanced materials into water filtration technologies will, we are confident, help provide solutions to this critical global challenge.”   

    Working with businesses and utility companies Molymem has coated a variety of membrane systems and tested the rejection of various salts and other organic molecules, such as nitrates. The performance is equal to or better than existing commercial solutions - but at much lower cost, making the Molymem system a 'greener and cheaper' option.”

    Dr Mark Bissett Chief Scientific Officer (Molymem Limited), Reader in Nanomaterials, Dept. of Materials (University of Swagֱ) commented ’s incredibly exciting to see our technology, which was developed here in the labs at the University of Swagֱ as a fundamental research project, be successfully spun out into a company and receiving this funding. Going forward I look forward to seeing our technology have real commercial impact and see our products improving sustainability in multiple industries.”

    Richard Lydon, a leading filtration expert and senior advisor to Molymem explained: “Access to clean fresh water is one of the greatest problems we face in the world. Factors that impact on the availability of clean water include climate change, water quality, pollution, and population growth.

    “At the same time, water and wastewater treatment plants across the world need to be upgraded to keep pace with legislation and the ever-growing demand for drinking water. This unique technology is an added value to existing membrane systems reducing particulate 'clogging' of the current filter, enabling improved life, reducing the use of chemicals and increasing flux (water flow). The Molymem platform is robust in any environment and can be tailored (through specific functionalisation of the coating) to reject target particulates such as nitrates, phosphates, PFAS/PFOS, dissolved organics, heavy metals and other pollutants, offering unique selling points to meet the needs of the water industry.”

    Rajat Malhotra, Managing Partner, Wren Capital and a member of Cambridge Angels commented, “ We liked the sustainability aspect of Molymem and the strong management to apply novel technology into a significant market in need of new membranes to deal with the increasing threat of particulate pollution (especially nitrates) in the water course. We, therefore, wanted to lead a SEED funding round on behalf of Cambridge Angels who were subsequently joined by investors from Swagֱ Angels and NorthInvest. This first tie-up makes a strong strategic link between Swagֱ and Cambridge to enhance co-syndication between the investor groups and the hope of more to come.”   

    David Levine, Principal of Swagֱ Angels said: "We're very excited to have participated in Molymem's recent raise. Swagֱ Angels was established specifically to fund early-stage, game-changing technologies and technology businesses and help support levelling-up for the North."

    Jordan Dargue, Board Director of NorthInvest said: ''We were so impressed with the Molymem team's expertise and passion.  The technology is innovative and solves a real market problem so I was thrilled to be able to help the company access funding at this crucial stage.  What’s more, this round of investment for Molymem is a perfect example of how angel networks can collaborate to help Northern entrepreneurs access investment.  I’m so pleased for Richard and the Molymem team and look forward to seeing what the future holds. “

    Notes to Editor

    1) Richard Lydon is a leading figure in the filtration, separation and membrane markets and is providing valuable advice and guide the Molymem team as it embarks on its commercial journey in wider areas of the clean and deep tech market sectors.

     2) Molymem is a University of Swagֱ spin-out and has developed and patented a new class of novel nano-coating applied to membranes for ultra-high filtration performance. The 2D functionalised materials can be retrofitted easily to existing membranes, utilising existing infrastructure and a large installed base. The initial focus is in the demand-driven space of clean water, water reuse and species selectivity but with potential across numerous other industry sectors including air, gas cleaning and future clean energy sectors. Chosen routes to market will be via licence and royalty deals with Membrane suppliers, Original Equipment Manufacturers and System Integrators.

    3) Cambridge Angels is a leading UK business angel network providing smart capital from entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs. The collaborative Cambridge-based group, actively mentors and invests in innovative teams and their ideas, equipping generations of entrepreneurs to generate returns and help realise their full potential. The group has a strong ethos of backing merit and supporting entrepreneurship. Cambridge Angels members, most of whom are successful entrepreneurs, invest in a wide range of start-up and scale-up businesses with a particular focus on deep-tech, and tools and technologies supporting healthcare.

    Wed, 11 Jan 2023 12:53:56 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_molymem.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/molymem.jpg?10000
    Graphene scientists explore electronic materials with nanoscale curved geometries /about/news/graphene-scientists-explore-electronic-materials-with-nanoscale-curved-geometries/ /about/news/graphene-scientists-explore-electronic-materials-with-nanoscale-curved-geometries/547830In a recently published paper, an international research group examined significant development directions in the field of electronic materials with curved geometries at the nanoscale. From microelectronic devices with enhanced functionality to large-scale nanomembranes consisting of networks of electronic sensors that can provide improved performance.

    In a recently published paper in , an international research group from Italy, Germany, the UK, and China examined significant development directions in the field of electronic materials with curved geometries at the nanoscale. From microelectronic devices with enhanced functionality to large-scale nanomembranes consisting of networks of electronic sensors that can provide improved performance.

    The scientists argue that exciting developments induced by curvature at the nanoscale allow them to define a completely new field – curved nanoelectronics. The paper examines in detail the origin of curvature effects at the nanoscale and illustrates their potential applications in innovative electronic, spintronic and superconducting devices.

    Curved solid-state structures also offer many application opportunities. On a microscopic level, shape deformations in electronic nanochannels give rise to complex three-dimensional spin textures with an unbound potential for new concepts in spin-orbitronics, which will help develop energy-efficient electronic devices. Curvature effects can also promote, in a semimetallic nanowire, the generation of topological insulating phases that can be exploited in nanodevices relevant for quantum technologies, like quantum metrology. In the case of magnetism, curvilinear geometry directly forges the magnetic exchange by generating an effective magnetic anisotropy, thus prefiguring a high potential for designing magnetism on demand.

    Dr Ivan Vera-Marun from the National Graphene Institute at Swagֱ commented: “nanoscale curvature and its associated strain result in remarkable effects in graphene and 2D materials. The development in preparation of high-quality extended thin films, as well as the potential to arbitrarily reshape those architectures after their fabrication, has enabled first experimental insights into how next-generation electronics can be compliant and thus integrable with living matter”.

    The paper also describes the methods needed to synthesise and characterise curvilinear nanostructures, including complex 3D nanoarchitectures like semiconductor nanomembranes and rolled up sandwiches of 2D materials, and highlights key areas for the future developments of curved nanoelectronics.

    The image above features a sketch of different research topics currently explored in electronic materials with nanoscale curved geometries. From left to right: geometry-controlled quantum spin transport, spin-triplet Cooper pairs in superconductors, magnetic textures in curvilinear structures.

    Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:24:28 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_ivan-image.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ivan-image.jpg?10000
    New innovation to recover hydrogen from waste could help safeguard UK energy security /about/news/new-innovation-to-recover-hydrogen-from-waste-could-help-safeguard-uk-energy-security/ /about/news/new-innovation-to-recover-hydrogen-from-waste-could-help-safeguard-uk-energy-security/546899UK team reveal boost to green hydrogen ambitions to coincide with COP27 climate change summit

    A team of experts at Swagֱ led by have received government funding to work with - a world-leading UK company specialising in treatment of unrecyclable wastes - to help recover hydrogen for clean energy use.

    This project will develop and validate a novel and inexpensive game-changing hydrogen separation technique that builds upon Powerhouse Energy's expertise in waste treatment and the international track-record of Dr Amir Keshmiri’s in fluid dynamics and thermochemical analysis.

    This potential breakthrough in advanced thermal treatment to recover hydrogen from unrecyclable wastes could make a significant contribution to the UK’s net zero targets and reduce project costs compared to existing recovery methods - also, as well as being ”greener and cheaper”, this new technology would be an important asset to help secure UK energy security at a time of major crisis and uncertainly.  

    The rapid development and commercialisation of the invention, that the collaboration will directly support achieving the installed capacity target by 2030.

    The project, which is initially funded by the grant, effectively encourages the swifter adoption of local, cleaner, low carbon energy - while addressing a growing unrecyclable waste issue, working within the existing waste hierarchy framework.

    Mr Paul Emmitt, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director at Powerhouse Energy (PHE), said the project will allow PHE to edge closer to overcoming significant cost barriers through innovation to deliver the next generation of cleaner energy technology. The pioneering technique, once commercialised, will enable the faster rollout of inexpensive hydrogen.

    He added: “The invention has the potential to overcome a significant cost prohibitive factor for commercial hydrogen extraction from Syngas [ie synthesis gas, a hydrogen-based mixture that can be used as a fuel not just for PHE, but all next generation advanced thermal technologies, potentially allowing more facilities to be developed for the same available capital, enhancing production towards and even beyond the ambitious 5GW target. Quantifying the impact for PHE, the proposed hydrogen separation technique has the potential to reduce project costs by up to 17.5%, or over £400m for 59 facilities.”

    Dr Amir Keshmiri, Associate Professor in Computational Fluid Dynamics at Swagֱ, said: “The collaboration allows Swagֱ to be at the forefront of high-impact, game-changing technology development within the emerging clean hydrogen energy sector - and allows the academic team to capitalise on the bespoke hydrogen models developed to a wider audience.

    Dr Kashmiri said clean energy from hydrogen – dubbed ‘green hydrogen’ - will be have a flagship spotlight at COP27, the climate change summit currently being hosted in Sharm el-Sheikh. He added: “Production and storage of low-carbon hydrogen is one of the key themes of COP27 which is hosted by Egypt as part of the .”

    research beacons’]]> Wed, 09 Nov 2022 15:19:46 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_greenerenergycity.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/greenerenergycity.jpg?10000
    UoM spin-out Watercycle Technologies wins Innovate UK grant for lithium extraction /about/news/uom-spin-out-watercycle-technologies-wins-innovate-uk-grant-for-lithium-extraction/ /about/news/uom-spin-out-watercycle-technologies-wins-innovate-uk-grant-for-lithium-extraction/545959Watercycle Technologies – a spin-out company from Swagֱ that specialises in recovery of scarce minerals through filtration - has won a £500,000 Innovate UK Smart Grant, in partnership with Cornish Lithium, to test its ground-breaking direct lithium extraction (DLE) process in Cornwall.

    Watercycle Technologies – a spin-out company from Swagֱ that specialises in recovery of scarce minerals through filtration - has won a £500,000 Innovate UK Smart Grant, in partnership with Cornish Lithium, to test its ground-breaking direct lithium extraction (DLE) process in Cornwall.

    Watercycle’s patented filtration process can selectively extract lithium from sub-surface waters, such as those found in the South West of the UK. Given lithium’s essential role in battery technologies, the ability to obtain it from water cost-effectively and establish a domestic supply of the mineral is vital for the UK’s Net Zero strategy. 

    is a mineral exploration and development company focused on the environmentally responsible extraction of lithium from geothermal waters and hard rock in the historic mining district of Cornwall.

    Earlier this year, Watercycle Technologies became a Tier 2 Partner of the University's , allowing for access to lab space, state-of-the-art equipment and engineering and academic expertise at the UK’s leading institute for R&D and commercialisation of applications around graphene and 2D materials.

    The ‘Smart’ grant is Innovate UK's responsive funding programme. It has focused eligibility criteria and scope to support SMEs and their partners to develop disruptive innovations with significant potential for rapid economic return to the UK.

    Under the terms of the agreement, Watercycle will deliver a containerised filtration system to extract lithium from Cornish Lithium’s project in Cornwall at a pilot scale. The project, which includes an environmental impact assessment, is anticipated to complete in October 2023.  

    Watercycle CEO Dr Seb Leaper said: “Having already proven that our proprietary filtration membranes and systems work in lab conditions, we are excited to be working with Cornish Lithium to demonstrate their scalability and accelerate the creation of a resilient, domestic lithium supply chain in the UK.  

    "This agreement marks the next step in our development strategy as we look at the commercialisation of our technology, which is capable of treating a wide range of water types and can deliver dramatic reductions in costs, carbon emissions and water consumption compared with current processes.”

    Watercycle co-founder and CTO Dr Ahmed Abdelkarim added: is great to be working with like-minded partners, Cornish Lithium and Innovate UK, which, like us, are focused on making a positive impact on the global transition through advancing innovative technologies. 

    "Lithium is a critical element with EV demand set to grow 418% from 468 GWh this year to 2.4 TWh by 2030 and we are delighted to be part of that chain, offering a British solution to the challenge of primary lithium production, which is the first link within the wider EV supply chain.”

    Dr Rebecca Paisley, Lead Geochemist at Cornish Lithium, said: “Cornish Lithium is keen to support projects from UK-based universities and the companies commercialising them, which we believe have the potential to be both game-changing and contribute to the UK’s Net Zero strategy. 

    "Working with Watercycle in the development of a pilot system aligns strongly with our Research and Innovation strategy, as well as our continued efforts to trial multiple DLE technologies at pilot scale in Cornwall to establish the most effective and responsible process flow sheet. We have a good relationship with the Watercycle team and look forward to progressing the project over the next 12 months.”

    For more information, visit . To discover how Swagֱ Innovation Factory helps academic and student inventors create social, economic and environmental impact with their work visit .

     is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s  - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons.

    Fri, 04 Nov 2022 13:44:57 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_watercycletechnologiesteam1200px.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/watercycletechnologiesteam1200px.jpg?10000
    Henry Royce Institute headquartered at Swagֱ receives £95m new government funding for advanced materials research and development /about/news/henry-royce-institute-headquartered-at-the-university-of-manchester-receives-95m-new-government-funding-for-advanced-materials-research-and-development/ /about/news/henry-royce-institute-headquartered-at-the-university-of-manchester-receives-95m-new-government-funding-for-advanced-materials-research-and-development/545903At a visit yesterday (Thursday 3 November) the new Business Secretary, Grant Shapps, has announced a £95m investment to the Henry Royce Institute (‘Royce’) headquartered at Swagֱ. 

    At a visit yesterday (Thursday 3 November) the new Business Secretary, Grant Shapps, has announced a £95m investment to the (‘Royce’) headquartered at Swagֱ. The funding will enable new advanced materials research and development, critical to sectors including health and energy.

    Awarded via the (EPSRC), it follows an initial £258m government investment made over the course of five years to establish key infrastructure required by the advanced materials sector. Royce aims to support the growth of world-recognised excellence in UK materials research, accelerating commercial exploitation and delivering positive economic and societal impact.

    The new funding will enable the Institute to accelerate translational research in advanced materials targeting our biggest challenges, providing access to research capabilities, identifying opportunities for collaboration between businesses and researchers and developing the next generation of materials scientists.

    During his first official visit in his new role as Business Secretary, Grant Shapps said: ‘R&D investment is a critical way to turbocharge Britain’s growth. Growing an economy fit for the future means harnessing the full potential of advanced materials, making science fiction a reality by supporting projects from regenerative medicine to robots developing new recycling capabilities, right across the country - including here in the heart of Swagֱ.

    'Today’s £95 million investment will do just that, bringing together the brightest minds across our businesses and institutions to help future-proof sectors from healthcare to nuclear energy.’

    Professor David Knowles, Royce CEO said: ‘Royce and its partners across the UK, along with the advanced materials community, is very pleased to be able to confirm this Phase ll EPSRC funding. Innovation in advanced materials underpins a wider range of our industrial sectors and is fundamental to our economic growth.

    ‘Our Partnership offers a unique combination of materials science expertise, state-of-the-art laboratories and fantastic collaboration spaces for the advanced materials community. As we enter our Phase ll operations we are focused now, more than ever, on working with the community to identify the key challenges and opportunities ahead of us and supporting the translation of innovative research into the viable products and systems needed to ensure a sustainable future for us all.’

    EPSRC Executive Chair Professor Dame Lynn Gladden said: ‘Advanced materials are crucial to driving growth across our key industries, from energy and transport to health, and ensuring they are sustainable for the future. This funding will build on the success of the Henry Royce Institute so far, to unleash the potential of this transformative technology for the benefit of the economy and the environment.’

    University of Swagֱ President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell said: ‘I am delighted that the fantastic work of the Royce in this sector has been recognised by this major award from EPSRC, further reinforcing ѲԳٱ’s place at the epicentre of this revolutionary area of research and development.’

    Advanced Materials

    Advanced materials is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s research beacons - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest challenges facing the planet.

    Advanced materials and manufacturing were identified in the government’s  as one of seven technology families in which the UK has globally competitive R&D and industrial strength.

    Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:05:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_grantshappsattheroyce.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/grantshappsattheroyce.jpg?10000
    Scientists discover they can pull water molecules apart using graphene electrodes /about/news/scientists-discover-they-can-pull-water-molecules-apart-using-graphene-electrodes/ /about/news/scientists-discover-they-can-pull-water-molecules-apart-using-graphene-electrodes/536220Graphene scientists from Swagֱ discovered that water molecules on the surface of graphene electrodes split exponentially faster with stronger electrical forces – a phenomenon known as the Wien effect.

    Writing in , a team led by Dr Marcelo Lozada-Hidalgo based at the (NGI) used graphene as an electrode to measure both the electrical force applied on water molecules and the rate at which these break in response to such force. The researchers found that water breaks exponentially faster in response to stronger electrical forces.

    Marcelo Lozada-HidalgoThe researchers believe that this fundamental understanding of interfacial water could be used to design better catalysts to generate hydrogen fuel from water. This is an important part of the UK’s strategy towards achieving a net zero economy. Dr Marcelo Lozada-Hidalgo said: “We hope that the insights from this work will be of use to various communities, including physics, catalysis, and interfacial science and that it can help design better catalysts for green hydrogen production”.

    A water molecule consists of a proton and a hydroxide ion. Dissociating it involves pulling these two constituent ions apart with an electrical force. In principle, the stronger one pulls the water molecule apart, the faster it should break. This important point has not been demonstrated quantitatively in experiments.

    Electrical forces are well known to break water molecules, but stronger forces do not always lead to faster water dissociation, which has puzzled scientists for a long time. A key difference with graphene electrodes is that these are permeable only to protons. The researchers found that this allows separating the resulting proton from the hydroxide ion across graphene, which is a one-atom-thick barrier that prevents their recombination. This charge separation is essential to observe the electric field acceleration of water dissociation. Another key advantage of graphene is that it allows evaluating the electric field at the graphene-water interface experimentally, which allows for quantitative characterisation of the field effect.

    Junhao CaiThe results can be explained using the classical Onsager theory, which had remained unverified experimentally in the important case of water. Junhao Cai, a PhD student and co-first author of the work said: “We were surprised to find how well the Onsager theory fitted our data. This theory provides insights into interfacial water, including an independent estimate of its dielectric constant, which remains poorly understood”.

    Eoin GriffinThe authors are excited about the possibilities offered by their experimental setup. Eoin Griffin, PhD student and co-first author of the work said: “Graphene electrodes combine three properties that, as far as we know, are never found together in a single system: only protons permeate through the crystal, it is one-atom-thick and it can sustain very strong electrical forces. This combination allows us to essentially pull apart the first layer of water molecules on the graphene surface”.

    Fri, 07 Oct 2022 07:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_marcelohydrogen3pcblack.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/marcelohydrogen3pcblack.png?10000
    Swagֱ to build an interplanetary future through innovation in advanced materials and robots /about/news/manchester-to-build-an-interplanetary-future-through-innovation-in-advanced-materials-and-robots/ /about/news/manchester-to-build-an-interplanetary-future-through-innovation-in-advanced-materials-and-robots/529994Pioneering scientists and engineers from Swagֱ are looking to build a future in space through innovation in advanced materials and autonomous systems - including revolutionary concepts in space habitats and the trustworthy robots to help build them.

    Pioneering scientists and engineers from Swagֱ are looking to build a future in space through innovation in advanced materials and autonomous systems - including revolutionary concepts in space habitats and the trustworthy robots to help build them.

    In the UK, the space sector is worth over £16.4 billion per year and employs more than 45,000 people, while satellites and space tech underpins £360 billion per year of wider economic activity. Globally, projections reveal that the space economy

    To optimise opportunities in this booming market, organisations such as the European Space Agency are looking to build space habitats, including a and ultimately . However, these types of ambitious projects will require breakthroughs in new materials to help construct resilient structures and infrastructure.

    In response to this challenge, Dr Vivek Koncherry - a University alumnus and now CEO of Graphene Innovations Swagֱ, a start-up based at the - is looking to build pressurised vessels that will create a modular space station for Low Earth Orbit. These pioneering vessels are to be made from graphene-enhanced carbon fibre as the addition of this 2D material will lightweight the habitat, as well as lending its thermal management properties to help regulate extremes of temperature.

    Dr Koncherry has been working closely with global architects SOM, who have been studying the complexity of space habitation for many years as they look to .

    As space explorers of the future look to go beyond the Earth’s orbit, travelling from a graphene space ship to begin building bases on the Moon – or even Mars – Dr Koncherry’s colleague Dr Aled Roberts, also part of the GEIC, is conducting research to develop bio-based building materials.

    Dr Roberts, who is also part of the , explains that one of the biggest challenges for “off-world habitat construction” is the transportation of building materials, which can cost upwards of £1m 'per brick’. Until the conceptual can be built, one solution, says Dr Roberts, could be using local resources, such as lunar or Martian soil to make building materials. This thinking has led to proposed products like (aka extraterrestrial regolith biocomposites), a material using the local planetary soil and a bio-based binder to make sturdy bricks to build space habitats.

    To support this lunar or Martian construction work, artificial intelligence (AI) researchers at Swagֱ - who are expert in developing autonomous systems and resilient AI-powered robots - have helped develop sophisticated software to enable ‘co-bots’ to aid astronauts in exploration, in construction and in monitoring these new structures.

    This work has been led by Professor Michael Fisher and his colleagues that form the . A specialism at Swagֱ involves designing and building AI-powered autonomous robots that can work in the harshest of environment, such as space, and can reliably undertake a wide range of tasks “on their own”.

    Previous research in this field has looked to support improved capability of NASA’s Astronaut-Rover teams and the Swagֱ team continue their collaboration with NASA. Future manned missions to the Moon and Mars are expected to use autonomous rovers and robots to assist astronauts during extravehicular activity (EVA), including science, technical and construction operations.

    “An important feature of the Swagֱ work is to develop and apply systems making sure these robots are trustworthy and do what we expect,” explained Professor Fisher.

    Once a space habitat has been built, its human occupants will need to survive in their new environment - and NASA researchers have identified hydroponics as a suitable method for growing food in outer space. Swagֱ agri-tech experts are looking at the future of food production, which includes the application of hydroponics in vertical farming production.

    Dr Beenish Siddique, founder of (below) , a UK government-backed enterprise which is also based in the GEIC, is leading a team to develop a pioneering a hydrogel called GelPonics.

    Beenish Siddique - AEH Innovative Hydrogel in lab with plants

    This growth medium conserves water and filters out pathogens to protect plants from disease, while automated technology includes the use of a graphene-based sensor that allows remote monitoring and management of the irrigation management system. This process is much less labour intensive and ultimately the GelPonics system is designed to be used in the harshest of environments.

    Combining two strengths – advanced materials and trustworthy automation – to create a USP for space

    Space is a fast-growing opportunity for exponential market growth - and provides an arena for the UK engineering sector to apply its world-leading expertise. The R&D being pioneered by experts at Swagֱ to deliver revolutionary innovation in space habitat technology provides a model approach.

    Swagֱ has combined two of its key engineering strengths – advanced materials and autonomous systems – to find a unique proposition on space tech innovation.

    Dr Vivek Koncherry says: “If you want to implement nanomaterials - or indeed the next generation of advanced materials - into space application you will also need automation.

    “In Swagֱ, everything comes together – you have expertise in both advanced materials and automated systems. The skilled people we need to work with are based in the same place, which creates a unique proposition.”

    Vivek and Jin - robotics2

    Dr Koncherry has built a pilot digital manufacturing line, designed to handle materials of the future by integrating robotics, AI and IoT systems in his state-of-the-art Alchemy Lab based in the GEIC (above). He has an ambition to grow the manufacturing base in Greater Swagֱ and from this provide a model to underpin the UK’s national capability to making advanced products.

    "Dr Koncherry adds: “Space is at the tipping point of being accessible to the commercial mainstream - the opportunities this provides are boundless. Just like in the original industrial revolution, Swagֱ now finds itself with the right innovation at the right time to capitalise on the space revolution.”

    To find out more about The University of ѲԳٱ’s contribution to the space sector read: 

    Thu, 06 Oct 2022 14:55:08 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_multi-dome-base-being-constructed-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/multi-dome-base-being-constructed-2.jpg?10000
    'Tales From The future' - a new way forward for beer brewing /about/news/tales-from-the-future---a-new-way-forward-for-beer-brewing/ /about/news/tales-from-the-future---a-new-way-forward-for-beer-brewing/524826‘Tales From The Future’, a beer made in a recent collaboration between researchers at Swagֱ and Cloudwater Brew Co., will launch at the end of August 2022. The beer is uniquely brewed using a novel strain of yeast, a hybrid, developed by the the Swagֱ Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) and Cloudwater.

    ‘Tales From The Future’, a beer made in a recent collaboration between researchers at Swagֱ and , will launch at the end of August 2022. 

    The beer is uniquely brewed using a novel strain of yeast, a hybrid, developed by the the (MIB) and Cloudwater.

    ‘Tales From The Future’ will be available in a limited batch directly from the Cloudwater website. The 750ml bottles are available to buy singly or as a pack. This Swagֱ-made beer will also be available from Cloudwater’s taproom.

    Budding yeast has been integral to beer brewing since its conception, and recent discoveries of new wild yeast species have paved the way for exploiting the extant biodiversity in strain development. In 2017, Professor Daniela Delneri, from the MIB, and her team, isolated a new natural yeast species, Saccharomyces jurei, high up in the foothills of the French Alps.

    It is set apart from other similar brewing yeasts as it has the ability to thrive at lower temperatures, has a different flavour profile, and is able to ferment maltose and maltotriose, two abundant sugars present in the wort. This opened up an array of new possibilities for brewers, including the development of new breeding protocols to combine the S. jurei genome with the genomes of commercially available strains to create a multitude of hybrids with different fermentation characteristics.

    It is from this discovery that Paul Jones, CEO of Cloudwater Brew Co. first saw the potential opportunity to work with the MIB to create a yeast specific to Cloudwater’s needs. In a recent study, supported by a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Cloudwater Brew Co., Delneri’s team and KTP Associate Konstantina Giannakou, they crossed this newly discovered yeast strain with a common ale yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae) to produce new starter hybrid strains that could influence the aroma and flavour profile of the beer.

    Paul said of the partnership: “We are excited to be launching this beer following on from our work with Swagֱ. This beer represents the possibilities of joining academia with industry and the importance of projects facilitated by this Knowledge Transfer Partnership. We cannot wait to share the fruits of our labour.”

    Professor Daniela Delneri says: is brilliant to be able to work directly with Cloudwater Brew Co. to realise the potential of our new yeast species. Based on our work, S. jurei’s hybrids afford brewers more flexibility and options when brewing beers with different flavours and aromas. From here we can build on our work to create new yeast strains for different brewing needs.

    “In fact, we have now also developed a method to turn typically sterile yeast hybrids into fertile cells able to produce a plethora of offspring which can be screened for desirable biotechnological traits. Such advances allow us to combine and select desirable traits from different yeast species via multigenerational breeding, paving the way for a swathe of new and exciting products”.

    To launch the beer, Cloudwater Brew Co., in partnership with the MIB, will be hosting an event at the Cloudwater Taproom on Thursday 25 August.  Additionally, at 7pm a dedicated tasting session will take place where ‘Tales From The Future’ will feature alongside five other beers from the Barrel Project. More information

    Thu, 18 Aug 2022 13:19:55 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_cloudwatermibcollaboration.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/cloudwatermibcollaboration.jpg?10000
    Graphene as 'the philosopher’s stone’: turning waste into gold /about/news/graphene-as-the-philosophers-stone-turning-waste-into-gold/ /about/news/graphene-as-the-philosophers-stone-turning-waste-into-gold/522802Scientists from Swagֱ and China have demonstrated that graphene can be a kind of ‘philosopher’s stone’, allowing gold extraction from waste containing only trace amounts of gold.

    Throughout history, alchemists believed in the existence of the philosopher’s stone: a substance that could turn cheap substances into precious gold. Now scientists from Swagֱ, Tsinghua University in China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have shown that graphene can be a kind of philosopher’s stone, allowing gold extraction from waste containing only trace amounts of gold (down to billionth of a percent).

    This new, seemingly magical application of graphene works quite straightforwardly: add graphene into a solution containing traces of gold and, after a few minutes, pure gold appears on graphene sheets, with no other chemicals or energy input involved. After this you can extract your pure gold by simply burning the graphene off.

    The research, , shows that 1 gram of graphene can be sufficient for extracting nearly 2 grams of gold. As graphene costs less than $0.1 per gram, this can be very profitable, with gold priced at around $70 per gram.

    Dr Yang Su from Tsinghua University, who led the research efforts, commented: “This apparent magic is essentially a simple electrochemical process. Unique interactions between graphene and gold ions drive the process and also yield exceptional selectivity. Only gold is extracted with no other ions or salts.”

    Gold is used in many industries including consumer electronics (mobile phones, laptops etc.) and, when the products are eventually discarded, little of the electronic waste is recycled. The graphene-based process with its high extraction capacity and high selectivity can reclaim close to 100% of gold from electronic waste. This offers an enticing solution for addressing the gold sustainability problem and e-waste challenges.

    “Graphene turns rubbish into gold, literally,” added Professor Andre Geim from Swagֱ, another lead author and Nobel laureate responsible for the first isolation of graphene.

    “Not only are our findings promising for making this part of the economy more sustainable, but they also emphasise how different atomically-thin materials can be from their parents, well-known bulk materials,” he added. “Graphite, for example, is worthless for extracting gold, while graphene almost makes the philosopher’s stone”.

    Professor Hui-ming Cheng, one of the main authors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, commented: “With the continuing search for revolutionary applications of graphene, our discovery that the material can be used to recycle gold from electronic waste brings additional excitement to the research community and developing graphene industries.”

    Tue, 16 Aug 2022 14:30:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_goldextractionrecyclingusinggraphene.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/goldextractionrecyclingusinggraphene.jpg?10000
    Swagֱ researchers make ‘significant advance’ in 2D material science with diversely behaving layers in a single bulk material /about/news/manchester-researchers-make-significant-advance-in-2d-material-science-with-diversely-behaving-layers-in-a-single-bulk-material/ /about/news/manchester-researchers-make-significant-advance-in-2d-material-science-with-diversely-behaving-layers-in-a-single-bulk-material/522795Scientists from Swagֱ have developed a novel yet simple method for producing vertical stacks of alternating superconductor and insulator layers of tantalum disulphide (TaS2), potentially speeding up manufacture of ‘heterostructure’ devices for high-mobility transistors, photovoltaics and optoelectronics.

    Scientists from Swagֱ have developed a novel yet simple method for producing vertical stacks of alternating superconductor and insulator layers of tantalum disulphide (TaS2). The findings, from a team led by Professor Rahul Nair, could speed up the process of manufacturing such devices – so-called van der Waals heterostructures – with application in high-mobility transistors, photovoltaics and optoelectronics.

    Van der Waals heterostructures are much sought after since they display many unique and useful properties not found in naturally occurring materials. In most cases, they are prepared by manually stacking one layer over the other in a time-consuming and labour-intensive process.

    Published last week , the study - led by researchers based at the National Graphene Institute (NGI) - describes synthesis of a bulk van der Waals heterostructure consisting of alternating atomic layers of 1T and 1H TaS2. 1T and 1H TaS2 are different polymorphs (materials with the same chemical composition but with a variation in atomic arrangement) of TaS2 with completely different properties – the former insulating, the latter superconducting at low temperatures.

    The new heterostructure was obtained through the synthesis of 6R TaS2 (a rare type of TaS2, with alternating 1T and 1H layered structure) via a process known as ‘phase transition’ at high temperature (800˚C). Due to its unusual structure, this material shows the co-existence of superconductivity and charge density waves, a very rare phenomenon.

    Dr Amritroop Achari, who led the experiment said: “Our work presents a new concept for designing bulk heterostructures. The novel methodology allows the direct synthesis of bulk heterostructures of 1T‐1H TaS2 by a phase transition from a readily available 1T TaS2. We believe our work provides significant advances in both science and technology.”

    International collaboration

    The work was conducted in collaboration with scientists from the NANOlab Center of Excellence at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Their high‐resolution scanning electron microscopy analysis unambiguously proved the alternating 1T‐1H hetero-layered structure of 6R TaS2 for the first time and paved the way to interpret the findings.

    Professor Milorad Milošević, the lead researcher from the University of Antwerp, commented: “This demonstration of an alternating insulating‐superconducting layered structure in 6R TaS2 opens a plethora of intriguing questions related to anisotropic behaviour of this material in applied magnetic field and current, emergent Josephson physics, terahertz emission etc., in analogy to bulk cuprates and iron‐based superconductors.”

    The findings could therefore have a widespread impact on the understanding of 2D superconductivity, as well as further design of advanced materials for terahertz and Josephson junctions-based devices, a cornerstone of second-generation quantum technology.

    Main image (top):  Electron microscopy image of the synthesized 6R TaS2 with an atomic model of the material on the left. The brown spheres represent Ta atoms and the yellow spheres represent sulphur atoms. The atomic positions and arrangement in the microscopic image are an exact match with the model, confirming its structure.

    Tue, 02 Aug 2022 15:22:22 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_6rtas2-electronmicroscopeimage.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/6rtas2-electronmicroscopeimage.png?10000
    Graphene scientists capture first images of atoms ‘swimming’ in liquid /about/news/graphene-scientists-capture-first-images-of-atoms-swimming-in-liquid/ /about/news/graphene-scientists-capture-first-images-of-atoms-swimming-in-liquid/521859Graphene scientists from Swagֱ have created a novel ‘nano-petri dish’ using two-dimensional (2D) materials to create a new method of observing how atoms move in liquid, with potential application in green energy technologies.

    Graphene scientists from Swagֱ have created a novel ‘nano-petri dish’ using two-dimensional (2D) materials to create a new method of observing how atoms move in liquid.

    Publishing in the journal, , the team led by researchers based at the (NGI) used stacks of 2D materials including graphene to trap liquid in order to further understand how the presence of liquid changes the behaviour of the solid.

    The team were able to capture . The findings could have widespread impact on the future development of green technologies such as hydrogen production.

    When a solid surface is in contact with a liquid, both substances change their configuration in response to the proximity of the other. Such atomic scale interactions at solid-liquid interfaces govern the behaviour of batteries and fuel cells for clean electricity generation, as well as determining the efficiency of clean water generation and underpinning many biological processes.

    One of the lead researchers, Professor Sarah Haigh, commented: “Given the widespread industrial and scientific importance of such behaviour it is truly surprising how much we still have to learn about the fundamentals of how atoms behave on surfaces in contact with liquids. One of the reasons information is missing is the absence of techniques able to yield experimental data for solid-liquid interfaces.”

    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is one of only few techniques that allows individual atoms to be seen and analysed. However, the TEM instrument requires a high vacuum environment, and the structure of materials changes in a vacuum. First author, Dr Nick Clark explained: “In our work we show that misleading information is provided if the atomic behaviour is studied in vacuum instead of using our liquid cells.”

    The NGI's Professor Roman Gorbachev has pioneered the stacking of 2D materials for electronics but here his group have used those same techniques to develop a ‘double graphene liquid cell’. A 2D layer of molybdenum disulphide was fully suspended in liquid and encapsulated by graphene windows. This novel design allowed them to provide precisely controlled liquid layers, enabling the unprecedented videos to be captured showing the single atoms ’swimming’ around surrounded by liquid.

    By analysing how the atoms moved in the videos and comparing to theoretical insights provided by colleagues at Cambridge University, the researchers were able to understand the effect of the liquid on atomic behaviour. The liquid was found to speed up the motion of the atoms and also change their preferred resting sites with respect to the underlying solid.

    The team studied a material that is promising for green hydrogen production but the experimental technology they have developed can be used for many different applications.

    Dr Nick Clark said: “This is a milestone achievement and it is only the beginning – we are already looking to use this technique to support development of materials for sustainable chemical processing, needed to achieve the world’s net zero ambitions.”

    is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons

    Wed, 27 Jul 2022 16:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_output-01.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/output-01.png?10000
    National Graphene Institute scientist shortlisted for prestigious £350,000 engineering award /about/news/national-graphene-institute-scientist-shortlisted-for-prestigious-350000-engineering-award/ /about/news/national-graphene-institute-scientist-shortlisted-for-prestigious-350000-engineering-award/519516National Graphene Institute researcher Professor Coskun Kocabas is among six world-leading scientists shortlisted for the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) prestigious A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize, worth £350,000.

    National Graphene Institute researcher is among six world-leading scientists shortlisted for the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) prestigious A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize, worth £350,000.

    The prize is awarded annually in recognition of outstanding achievement in engineering research in the fields of medical, microwave and radar or laser/optoelectronic engineering, with the prize fund awarded to support further research led by the recipient. This year’s theme is lasers and optoelectronics.

    Professor Kocabas’ research interests include optoelectronic applications of graphene and other 2D materials. He is nominated for his significant contributions to controlling light with graphene-based devices over a broad spectral range from visible light to microwave.

    Outstanding research achievements

    Sir John O’Reilly, Chair offor the prize, said: “The A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize recognises the outstanding research achievements of the recipient, from anywhere in the world, who is identified through a search and selection process conducted by a panel of international experts from around the globe.

    “We are incredibly proud, through the generous legacy from the late Dr A F Harvey, to be able to recognise and support the furtherance of pioneering engineering research in these fields and thereby their subsequent impact in advancing the world around us," he added. "I’d like to congratulate our six finalists.”

    The prize-winner will be chosen from and announced in December 2022. The winning researcher will deliver a keynote lecture on their research in spring 2023.

    The IET’s A F Harvey prize is named after Dr A F Harvey, who bequeathed a generous sum of money to the IET for a trust fund to be set up in his name to further research in the specified fields. For more information, visit:

    is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons

    Wed, 13 Jul 2022 11:13:28 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_coskun-kocabas.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/coskun-kocabas.jpg?10000
    Advanced materials and automation: manufacturing's 'dream team' /about/news/advanced-materials-and-automation-manufac-dream-team/ /about/news/advanced-materials-and-automation-manufac-dream-team/515147The University of ѲԳٱ’s expertise in advanced materials and robotic systems will play a key role in driving a revolution in UK manufacturing, according to graphene start-up pioneer Dr Vivek Koncherry.

    The University of ѲԳٱ’s expertise in advanced materials and robotic systems will play a key role in driving a revolution in UK manufacturing, according to graphene start-up pioneer Dr Vivek Koncherry.

    Dr Koncherry, who is based at the University‘s world-class materials innovation accelerator, the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC), is developing a range of products exploiting breakthrough nanomaterial technology.

    But to get this innovation to a mass market, Dr Koncherry recognises that manufacturing systems also need to keep pace – so he has built a pilot digital manufacturing line in the GEIC designed to handle materials of the future by integrating robotics, AI and IoT systems. 

    “The first industrial revolution in Swagֱ was world famous for its textiles and weaving technologies and we are at the start of the next industrial revolution – but this time we are to use advanced materials and advanced manufacturing processes,” he said.  

    “So, if you want to implement nanomaterials or the next generation of materials into the marketplace you will also need automation and the next level of advanced manufacturing to remain competitive at a global scale.

    “In Swagֱ, everything comes together – you have expertise in both advanced materials and automated systems. The skilled people we need to work with are based in the same place, which creates a unique proposition.”

    This “unique proposition” has, in fact, already helped Dr Koncherry attract inward investment from North America, with $5 million (£3.6m) being put into his start-up Graphene Innovations Swagֱ (GIM).

    Dr Koncherry and his team at GIM (including robotics expert Jinseong Park, pictured top) are developing a range of products, including mats and floor coverings made from recycled materials (such as rubber from car tyres) to pioneering pressurised vessels made from a graphene-enhanced composite material. These components can be applied to hydrogen storage on earth or creating a habitat for living in space.  

    Dr Koncherry has an ambition to grow the manufacturing base in Greater Swagֱ and from this provide a model to underpin the UK’s national capability to making advanced products.  

    To find out more about Dr Koncherry’s pioneering work and also how graphene-based composite technology is a key to lightweighting in sectors including aerospace and automotive, watch the film below:

    Tue, 21 Jun 2022 15:02:17 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_vivekandjin-robotics2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/vivekandjin-robotics2.jpg?10000
    University hosts world’s largest energy research & social science conference /about/news/worlds-largest-energy-research-social-science-conference/ /about/news/worlds-largest-energy-research-social-science-conference/514985Energy sector academics, experts, practitioners, decision-makers, advocates and business sector representatives from all across the world are attending the 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, hosted by Swagֱ between June 20-23. 

    Energy sector academics, experts, practitioners, decision-makers, advocates and business sector representatives from all across the world are attending the 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, hosted by Swagֱ between June 20-23. 

    This conference is the largest of its kind, and is unique in its global commitment to speak to cutting-edge issues of conceptual, methodological and policy concern at the intersection of energy, society and low-carbon futures. Discussions led by presenters from all continents are covering all aspects of energy from production to consumption, with topics including energy poverty, role of gender and just transitions. The aim is to examine both theory and practice, focusing on tangible steps to confront the climate crisis.

    Over 400 delegates are expected to attend, which will include 198 oral presentations and 255 posters across more than 40 sessions. It will be preceded by a dedicated pre-conference workshop for early career researchers. 

    The conference has been organised by a committee, chaired by , of nine esteemed academics and three conference chairs from across the world. It features five eminent keynote speakers: Cara Daggett, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Virginia Tech; Prince K Guma, Research Fellow and Assistant Country Director at the British Institute in Eastern Africa; Dr Benjamin K. Sovacool, Professor of Energy Policy, the University of Sussex Business School; Jennie C. Stephens, the Dean’s Professor of Sustainability Science and Policy and Director of Northeastern University’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs; and Janette Webb MBE FEI, Edinburgh University Professorial Fellow in Social Studies of Energy.

    The conference is accompanied by the publication of two new thinkpieces by Policy@Swagֱ: and . Free to download, these articles address multiple aspects of energy inequality as they relate to current government policy. The thinkpieces are led by early career researchers based at the People and Energy theme within the and the .

    Professor Stefan Bouzarovski, conference chair, stated: “The conference aims to offer a vibrant and innovative forum for discussing the latest research on low-carbon energy policy transformations. We were heavily oversubscribed, having received a total of 1116 abstracts for oral and poster presentations. 

    Read the Policy@Swagֱ thinkpieces at .

    For more information on the conference visit

    Energy is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s five research beacons, examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest challenges facing the planet.

    At Swagֱ, our energy experts are committed to delivering a just and prosperous Net Zero energy future. By matching science and engineering, with social science, economics, politics and arts, the University’s community of 600+ experts addresses the entire lifecycle of each energy challenge, creating innovative and enduring solutions to make a difference to the lives of people around the globe. This enables the Swagֱ research community to develop pathways to ensure a low carbon energy transition that will also drive jobs, prosperity, resilience and equality.

    Visit energy.manchester.ac.uk to learn more.

    Mon, 20 Jun 2022 11:17:01 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_sunrise-ga251d4865-1920.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/sunrise-ga251d4865-1920.jpg?10000
    GEIC partner Watercycle Technologies secures funding for lithium extraction process /about/news/geic-partner-watercycle-technologies-secures-funding-for-lithium-extraction-process/ /about/news/geic-partner-watercycle-technologies-secures-funding-for-lithium-extraction-process/507540Watercycle Technologies, a spin-out from Swagֱ, has secured initial funding for an innovative technology that uses advanced graphene-based membranes and systems to extract lithium and other minerals from brines and water solutions, a vital step in the sustainability of new battery technologies.

    Watercycle Technologies, a spin-out from Swagֱ, has secured initial funding for an innovative technology that uses advanced graphene-based membranes and systems to extract lithium and other minerals from brines and water solutions.

    Direct lithium extraction (DLE) is a vital process in the push towards self-sufficiency for the UK and Europe in lithium, a key component in modern battery technology.

    Led by Sebastian Leaper, a former PhD student from the Department of Materials at Swagֱ, has taken Tier 2 membership of the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC), with lab space and access to advanced 2D materials facilities and expertise in prototyping. 

    The pre-seed funding round has been led by , an investor focused on innovations around sustainability. 

    Recovery from battery recycling

    Watercycle Technologies has already demonstrated that its solutions can extract lithium from UK-based brines and can recover it from lithium batteries during the recycling process. This investment will allow the business to further develop their prototype solutions and test them at scale at live extraction and recycling locations.

    The technology also shows the potential to refine the lithium up to battery-grade, which will allow the processing of battery-grade lithium to occur at production sites around the world. Together, these capabilities could significantly improve the environmental footprint of lithium production for EVs.

    Dr Sebastian Leaper, CEO of Watercycle Technologies Limited, explains: “Our lives are increasingly dependent on the ebb and flow of lithium ions. They store and transport an ever-greater portion of the energy we need for our devices, cars and power grid and enable us to transition away from fossil fuels. 

    “Access to significant quantities of low-cost, low-carbon lithium is fundamental to tackling climate change and we at Watercycle Technologies are striving to make this possible,” he adds. "We are very grateful for the support of Aer Ventures in this journey, as they share our ambition to help build a sustainable, circular economy for future generations to enjoy."

    Chris Rowley, Managing Partner of Aer Ventures, said: “Watercycle Technologies is exactly the type of business we exist to support. With a sustainable vision and a proven technology, the business has the potential to solve one of our major environmental problems – the need for critical minerals to support the transition to Net Zero. 

    "With serious commentators such as the International Energy Agency estimating the world could require over 50 times more lithium by 2040 than it produced in 2020, the innovation Watercycle Technologies provides has never been more essential and we are pleased to support the business in taking this game-changing technology to market.”

    Andrew Wilkinson, CEO of , said: “This new University of Swagֱ spinout has amazing potential to significantly reduce the cost and environmental impact of lithium production. It also enables countries with access to lithium-rich brines and recycled batteries, like the UK, to become self-sufficient in this strategically vital raw material. Although initially focusing on the extraction of lithium salts, Watercycle Technologies’ membranes and systems can easily be adapted to extract other high-value materials and be used in applications such as desalination.”

     is one of The University of ѲԳٱ’s  - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons.

    Wed, 25 May 2022 08:26:58 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_watercycletechnologiesteamphoto.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/watercycletechnologiesteamphoto.jpeg?10000