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Successful first edition of the ‘Conversations on Urban Ageing’ series

Sharing the success of MUARG’s first ‘Conversations on Urban Ageing’ series event and details of the final two events of the semester.

On 11 September (MUARG), led by , hosted the semesters first edition of their successful series which invites leading researchers on ageing from around the world to discuss their work with MUARG’s own experts. 

The series format includes both presentations and in-depth conversations between the research group, invited speakers, and audience members on their areas of expertise. 

The first ‘Conversation’, chaired by , featured researchers (VU Amsterdam) and (University of Auckland) discussing ethical issues encountered during everyday age-friendly work in the Netherlands and New Zealand. 

The attendance of not only academics but third sector organisation members, NHS staff, and members of the public was a highlight, providing a diverse range of perspectives. 

MUARG’s Patty Doran said of the first event: “It’s always inspiring to hear about the latest academic research from a range of topics related to urban ageing, and the interdisciplinary audiences that attend always make for insightful questions, interesting conversations, and great networking”. 

The series continues 21 October with invited speaker (University of Bristol) discussing digital innovation and exclusion, co-designing technologies, and creative citizenship in the lives of older adults. Her talk, , explores how arts and culture participation, particularly those accessed digitally, can influence wellbeing and social connection as we age. 

The semester’s series will then conclude on 5 December with convening global thought leaders on ageing in community whose scholarships integrate research, theory, and practice to enhance work on community-centred initiatives and ageing equity. 

Registration for both events is still open, you can find the Eventbrite link . 

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