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Clara Sandelind awarded a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant

Clara Sandelind has been awarded the grant for her project Unbounding Solidarity, which explores how cross-border solidarity with refugees can also support solidarity within welfare states.

Dr Clara Sandelind

is a Lecturer in Political Theory and the British Academy/Leverhulme project will support her research on how different forms of cross-border and domestic solidarity can be harmonised. 

The research questions the assumption that solidarity with refugees contradicts or erodes solidarity within the welfare state. Instead, the project explores how political solidarity with refugees can be community-building and support wider social justice goals.

The grant will support a workshop on refugees’ political engagement and solidarity with a number of stakeholders in Sweden, a country where the presumed conflict of solidarity has been particularly stark. Sandelind will also interview migrant activists and NGOs, focusing on how their work can and does contribute to building wider solidarity that may also support the welfare state. 

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